PopMM - 17/04/23 00:00

[00:00] [SW]ShadowRealms> good idea
[00:00] [GoD]Hakai> brb
[00:02] amnesia> host
[00:02] Minibot_UK> amnesia: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[00:02] amnesia> launch
[00:02] Minibot_UK> amnesia: No Players connected, please wait before trying to launch a game
[00:02] Minibot_UK> amnesia: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[00:02] amnesia> blast
[00:02] amnesia> launch
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Glitter Worlds (1.1)
amnesia - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Yellow (Watcher) - amnesia: Blue * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
Game successfully checked in.
Game results submitted.
[00:06] [AvA]Unhostable> can we do 3v1?
[00:06] [SW]ShadowRealms> 2v2 man
[00:06] [AvA]Unhostable> bruh no way to make fair teams
[00:06] Riquelme> is raining here
[00:06] Riquelme> time to put
[00:06] [AvA]Unhostable> you are to op
[00:06] Riquelme> Rain-Cowboy bebop
[00:06] Riquelme> isnt?
[00:06] [SW]ShadowRealms> chill game man ?
[00:06] [SW]ShadowRealms> we can unranked if you want
[00:06] Riquelme> ye
[00:07] Riquelme> put unraked
[00:07] Riquelme> i think at this hour u drop skills hard
[00:07] Riquelme> europeans
[00:07] Riquelme> too late i think
[00:07] Riquelme> here 20pm
[00:07] [SW]ShadowRealms> join
[00:07] [SW]ShadowRealms> uranked
[00:07] [AvA]Unhostable> idm if ranked or not, i cannot have fun to be raped in 15 min game
[00:07] [AvA]Unhostable> sorry
[00:07] [SW]ShadowRealms> unranked
[00:07] Riquelme> at 3 am i suck
[00:07] [SW]ShadowRealms> 1:07 am here
[00:07] Riquelme> play with me brandy
[00:07] [SW]ShadowRealms> one fast game unranked
[00:07] Riquelme> i could send 1 fw if u need it
[00:08] [GoD]Spyro out
[00:08] [AvA]Unhostable> facu you will blame me XD
[00:08] Riquelme> non
[00:08] Riquelme> is unranked
[00:08] Riquelme> chill
[00:08] [SW]ShadowRealms> who is fw here
[00:08] [SW]ShadowRealms> host cccp
[00:09] [SW]ShadowRealms> restrecited
[00:10] Riquelme> i played with u brandy
[00:10] Riquelme> when we won against babo and lovenji inn sess?
[00:10] [AvA]Unhostable> yes
[00:10] cccp> what map ?
[00:11] cccp> this ?
[00:11] Riquelme> was a good game
[00:11] [AvA]Unhostable> ok for me
[00:11] [AvA]Unhostable> yes it was :)
[00:11] [GoD]Sho> buenas noches perras :pepefedora:
[00:11] [GoD]Sho out
[00:11] amnesia> tu peux me detruire en 1v1 , comme ca je verrai si jai finalement fixee ce bug
[00:11] amnesia> lol
[00:11] Frizart_TSI> on fait un test si tu veux
[00:11] amnesia> fait un 1v1
[00:11] amnesia> ranked
[00:12] amnesia> mais pas yggdrasil
[00:12] Frizart_TSI> merde
[00:12] Frizart_TSI> pas vu ton messahe mdrrr
[00:12] [GoD]Hakai> Games?
[00:12] Riquelme> ye
[00:12] Riquelme> here
[00:12] Riquelme> join
[00:13] amnesia> je peux pas
[00:13] Riquelme> open spot?
[00:13] amnesia> ur ygdrassil
[00:13] Frizart_TSI> ccps sorry
[00:13] amnesia> sur*
[00:13] Frizart_TSI> we 1v1
[00:13] amnesia> too noob
[00:13] Frizart_TSI> tu veux quel map ?
[00:13] Frizart_TSI> quelle*
[00:13] amnesia> comme tu veux
[00:13] amnesia> auf pp
[00:13] amnesia> sauf*
[00:13] Frizart_TSI> j'ai pris au hasard
[00:13] Frizart_TSI> ça te va ?
[00:14] amnesia> oui
[00:14] Frizart_TSI> et si tu lag trop tu me dis
[00:14] Frizart_TSI> et on s'ally
[00:14] amnesia> okkk
[00:14] amnesia> merciii
[00:16] [AvA]Unhostable> cccp just go 2v2 and lemme spect
[00:17] amnesia> injouable
[00:17] Frizart_TSI> :(
[00:17] amnesia> merci bcp
[00:17] Frizart_TSI> bonne chance pour résoudre le souci
[00:18] amnesia> j;en aurai besoin lol, merci
[00:18] Frizart_TSI> redem ta boxe
[00:18] Frizart_TSI> au pire
[00:18] Frizart_TSI> mdrr
[00:18] amnesia> lol
[00:19] Frizart_TSI> j'te jure ça peut marcher
[00:19] Frizart_TSI> dés que j'ai un petit probleme de co
[00:19] Frizart_TSI> c'est ce que je fais
[00:19] [SW]ShadowRealms> 1 sec
[00:19] amnesia> ce probleme dure longtemps
[00:19] Riquelme> brandy
[00:19] Riquelme> want my spot?
[00:19] [GoD]Hakai> mmap?
[00:19] [AvA]Unhostable> let me spect
[00:19] amnesia> aucune idee pk
[00:20] Riquelme> walls
[00:20] amnesia> et je pense c'est beta only
[00:20] Frizart_TSI> tu veux tenter sans beta ,
[00:20] Frizart_TSI> ?*
[00:20] amnesia> original marche bien je pense
[00:20] amnesia> oui
[00:20] Frizart_TSI> juste un test par contre
[00:20] Frizart_TSI> trop fatigué pour jouer mdrr
[00:20] amnesia> ca va !
[00:21] DrThunderous out
[00:23] amnesia> ca marche
[00:23] [AsG]Keith52 in
[00:23] amnesia> alors cest beta
[00:23] Frizart_TSI> étrange
[00:23] amnesia> le probleme
[00:23] Frizart_TSI> envoi un message a inca
[00:23] [GoD]Hakai> https://www.twitch.tv/hakai_poptb
[00:23] amnesia> peut etre mon pc est trop faible
[00:24] amnesia> ce pc est presque 15 years old
[00:24] Riquelme out
[00:24] Frizart_TSI> la vache mdrrr
[00:24] amnesia> LOL
[00:24] Frizart_TSI> il a 5ans de moins que moi :')
[00:24] Frizart_TSI> essaye de faire un mail au support
[00:25] Frizart_TSI> avec un peu de chance c'est deja arrivé et ça se resout
[00:26] amnesia> lol
[00:26] amnesia> tu as 20 ans ?
[00:26] Frizart_TSI> yes
[00:26] amnesia> LOOL
[00:26] amnesia> wtff
[00:27] amnesia> si jeune
[00:27] DrThunderous in
[00:27] Frizart_TSI> on est peu
[00:27] Frizart_TSI> mais y'en a :d
[00:27] amnesia> la majorite des joueurs ici sont 30+
[00:27] Frizart_TSI> et le pire c'est qu'on joue sur un jeu plus vieux que nous :')
[00:27] Frizart_TSI> ouais je sais mdrr
[00:28] amnesia> tu es troop jeune lol
[00:28] amnesia> quand jai commence a jouer avec nici on avai 12 ans
[00:28] amnesia> lool
[00:28] Frizart_TSI> et mtn :ddd ?
[00:28] amnesia> well, cetai 2009
[00:28] amnesia> maintenant 2023
[00:29] bockwurstlaune in
[00:29] Frizart_TSI> bah ça va
[00:31] Frizart_TSI> mais vous vous connaissiez avant pop ?
[00:31] amnesia> non, je connaissie juste sabrina avant pop
[00:31] amnesia> mais elle joue plus depuis longtemps
[00:31] Frizart_TSI> je sais meme pas qui c'est pour le coup
[00:32] amnesia> elle a quitte 2010 xD
[00:32] Frizart_TSI> l'année ou je suis arrivé
[00:32] Frizart_TSI> bon j'avais 8 ans MDR
[00:33] amnesia> ca dit 5 ans ?
[00:33] amnesia> on compte
[00:33] amnesia> ton*
[00:33] amnesia> mon pc entier lag omg
[00:33] Frizart_TSI> https://www.popre.net/user.php?u=32338&mode=game
[00:33] Frizart_TSI> regarde ce compte tu vas comprendre ahah
[00:34] Frizart_TSI> ('c'était moi)
[00:34] Frizart_TSI> laisse ton PC se reposer un peu :')
[00:34] amnesia> ohh lol
[00:34] amnesia> on na jamais jouee ensemble ?
[00:34] amnesia> jetai tres active 2010
[00:34] Frizart_TSI> j'vais pas te mentir que j'ai pas bcp de souvenir :')
[00:35] Frizart_TSI> je regarde l'histo
[00:35] DrThunderous out
[00:35] amnesia> on a 100% au moins 1 jeu ensemble
[00:35] Frizart_TSI> yes je confirme
[00:36] Frizart_TSI> je viens d'en trouver
[00:36] Frizart_TSI> 2
[00:36] amnesia> lool
[00:36] amnesia> link
[00:36] Frizart_TSI> https://www.popre.net/game.php?id=106984
[00:36] Frizart_TSI> on voit pas le graphique ;(
[00:36] amnesia> perdants =(
[00:36] Frizart_TSI> vu mon age... tu m'étonnes
[00:37] Frizart_TSI> comment tu veux etre bon a 8-10ans MDR
[00:37] amnesia> duration du jeu
[00:37] amnesia> heure
[00:37] amnesia> wow
[00:37] amnesia> on a bien tenu
[00:37] amnesia> 1 heure*
[00:38] Frizart_TSI> c'est vrai
[00:38] Frizart_TSI> jsp qui est dylan1 par contre
[00:38] amnesia> LOl enemy shaman kills 52
[00:38] amnesia> jai du camp
[00:38] amnesia> comme jamais lol
[00:38] Frizart_TSI> j'crois que t'étais un peu en 1v2 xddd
[00:38] Frizart_TSI> t'as 40 morts
[00:38] Frizart_TSI> donc j'pense meme pas
[00:38] amnesia> lool
[00:39] amnesia> le light spam
[00:39] amnesia> wow
[00:39] [AvA]Mibbel out
[00:39] Frizart_TSI> j'y pense, c'est quoi ton meilleur rank que t'as atteint ?
[00:39] DrThunderous in
[00:39] Frizart_TSI> t'as bien du etre shaman ?
[00:40] amnesia> je jouai bien a lepoque, jetat pretre/fw presque, dommage k nici, tsuyoshi kayin, spinniix ont decidee d'etre dans chak de mes jeux
[00:40] amnesia> trop de trauma
[00:40] Frizart_TSI> MDRRR
[00:40] amnesia> pas de chance
[00:40] Frizart_TSI> tu peux toujours re tenter mtn ;)
[00:41] amnesia> lol surtout pas
[00:41] Frizart_TSI> bah pq ?
[00:41] amnesia> en plus le jeu est mort
[00:41] amnesia> avant yavait bcp plus de joueurs
[00:41] Frizart_TSI> ça c'est pas faux
[00:41] Frizart_TSI> c'est bien dommage
[00:42] Frizart_TSI> car dis toi qu'à 20ans, j'suis né dans les jeux, j'en connais un paquet mais pop reste un des meilleurs pouri moi
[00:42] Frizart_TSI> si suelement y'avait un peu plus de joueurs ...
[00:42] amnesia> cest trop difficile de rester
[00:42] Frizart_TSI> pour moi*
[00:42] amnesia> tout le monde ici jouee trop bien
[00:42] amnesia> meme les "noobs" sont trop rapide pour les nouveaux
[00:43] amnesia> impossible de sadapter
[00:43] amnesia> vant yavai bcp de wildies
[00:43] amnesia> sans parler de tsuyoshi, nici et kayin qui etai noob-bashers a lepok
[00:43] Frizart_TSI> c'est vrai que mtn tout le monde est spy/wars mtn
[00:43] Frizart_TSI> noob-bashers = ?
[00:43] amnesia> avant tu pouvai choisir ton rang
[00:44] amnesia> ils etai tjr wildman rank pour sinfiltrer dans nos jeux
[00:44] Frizart_TSI> ah bon ????
[00:44] Frizart_TSI> mais c'est n'importe quoi MDR
[00:44] amnesia> nici etai tjr wildman
[00:44] amnesia> maintenant il ya peu de jouers alors tout le monde se connait
[00:44] amnesia> vant cetai different
[00:45] amnesia> tu pouvai pas savoir contre ki tu joues
[00:45] amnesia> les rangs,l es noms, on pouvai changer tout ca
[00:45] Frizart_TSI> ouais j'imagine
[00:45] Frizart_TSI> oh je savais pas ça
[00:45] Frizart_TSI> (ou j'men souvient peut etre plus)
[00:47] amnesia> oui cetai horrible
[00:47] amnesia> jetai poursuivi par ces joueurs
[00:47] amnesia> pour jeux faciles
[00:47] amnesia> tu perds en 5 mins
[00:47] amnesia> loool
[00:47] Frizart_TSI> en effet, c'est affreux :')
[00:47] amnesia> tsuyoshi etai un monstre quand il etai plus jeune
[00:47] Frizart_TSI> deja que quand on se tape un fake ici, on rale vite
[00:48] Frizart_TSI> ça à bien changé lol
[00:48] amnesia> et nici netai tjr pas #1
[00:48] Frizart_TSI> il a eu un enfant la semaine dernieer d'ailleurs
[00:48] Frizart_TSI> https://www.popre.net/leagues.php?traditional
[00:48] amnesia> il etai pretre
[00:48] Frizart_TSI> ah ouais :o
[00:49] amnesia> wow TeratO
[00:49] amnesia> encore un noob basher
[00:49] Frizart_TSI> ahah
[00:49] Frizart_TSI> mon pere m'en a deja parlé
[00:50] Frizart_TSI> il m'a dit qu'il jouait d'une maniere vicieuse je crois
[00:50] Frizart_TSI> enfin dans ce style
[00:50] amnesia> terato etai comme matt
[00:50] amnesia> le meme style
[00:50] Frizart_TSI> c'est quoi le pseudo de matt mtn ?
[00:50] Frizart_TSI> psq je vois pas trop qui c'est pour le coup
[00:50] amnesia> ttamylno
[00:51] bockwurstlaune out
[00:51] amnesia> aka onlymatt
[00:51] amnesia> il est #1 dans les leagues
[00:51] amnesia> 11k jeux
[00:51] Frizart_TSI> oui je vois ça
[00:51] Frizart_TSI> je l'ai connu quand il s'appelait left_nut
[00:51] amnesia> il etai banned a jamais , comme teratO
[00:51] Frizart_TSI> je regarde son histo de psueudo
[00:51] Frizart_TSI> ah merde
[00:51] Frizart_TSI> pq mdrrr ?
[00:52] amnesia> je ne sais pas, il etai deja banned quand je suis revenu
[00:52] Frizart_TSI> ouais moi aussi
[00:52] amnesia> terato etai banned car il a appelle kitkat kLitkat lol
[00:52] amnesia> ou qq chose comme ca
[00:52] Frizart_TSI> c'est dommage, ils ont l'air d etre des légendes du jeu
[00:53] amnesia> oui cetai bizarre, les decisions des admins, vu que le jeu souffre enoormement dune manque de joueurs
[00:53] Frizart_TSI> c'est clair
[00:53] amnesia> fallai pas les bans pour toujrs
[00:54] Frizart_TSI> j'suis dacc, surtout qu'ils n'étaient pas "n importe qui"
[00:54] Frizart_TSI> autant moi tu me ban, tlm s'en fou mais bon eux...
[00:54] amnesia> oui c;est clair
[00:54] amnesia> matt etai degoutant mais tu peux lke mute et voila
[00:54] Frizart_TSI> c'est comme w33d il était ban y'a encore qql semaines/mois
[00:54] [SW]ShadowRealms> gg
[00:54] amnesia> ce ne sont que des trolls
[00:54] cccp> gggg
[00:55] amnesia> dommage, car ya pas de joueurs
[00:55] Frizart_TSI> c est clair
[00:55] Frizart_TSI> et encore y'en a qui sont revenus ces dernieres semaines
[00:55] Frizart_TSI> le jeu est un peu plus rempli l)
[00:55] Frizart_TSI> là*
[00:55] amnesia> qui?
[00:56] Frizart_TSI> je saurai pas te dire exactement mais y'a quelques mois/années le jeu était encore plus vide que là
[00:56] [GoD]Hakai out
[00:56] Frizart_TSI> et j'ai l'impression que là y'a plus de games
[00:56] Frizart_TSI> plus de jouer s
[00:56] Frizart_TSI> donc c'est cool meme si ça reste encore peu
[00:56] amnesia> COVID cetai le moment
[00:57] amnesia> lool
[00:57] Frizart_TSI> c'était au début du covid que le jeu vivait bien
[00:57] Frizart_TSI> ouiiii
[00:57] amnesia> cest grace a covid que je suis revenu aussi lol
[00:57] amnesia> javai completement oubliee ce jeu
[00:57] Frizart_TSI> comme quoi, pas si mal ce covid aha
[00:58] Frizart_TSI> j'ai jamais oublié le jeu perso, je viens pendant quelques mois et je repars pour 1 à 3 ans
[00:58] amnesia> cetai plutot fun,
[00:58] amnesia> certains joueuurs me manquent
[00:58] amnesia> meme
[00:58] amnesia> cetai fun
[00:58] amnesia> davoirt tant de joueurs et jeux
[00:59] amnesia> sans les top 3 joueurs qui sont dans chak jeu sinon
[00:59] Frizart_TSI> ouiii
[00:59] Frizart_TSI> c'est pour ça, ça me démotivé avant quand j'étais toujours contre les milleurs
[01:00] Frizart_TSI> j'étais FW et j'arrivais pas a etre meilleur
[01:00] Frizart_TSI> psq j'étais contre les vrais pro
[01:00] Frizart_TSI> et hop je partais
[01:00] Frizart_TSI> jsp si t'as vu mais y'a Candide qui est revenu
[01:01] amnesia> et parti lol
[01:01] [AvA]Unhostable out
[01:01] Frizart_TSI> MDRR
[01:01] amnesia> il jouera pas
[01:01] amnesia> il a une famille
[01:01] Frizart_TSI> ouais je crois bien aussi
[01:01] Frizart_TSI> juste les WE quoi..
[01:01] amnesia> ce sont les memes joueurs
[01:01] amnesia> 007 a disparru
[01:01] Frizart_TSI> jjsp qui c'est
[01:01] Frizart_TSI> enfin j'ai deja parlé avec mais voila quoi
[01:01] amnesia> mais en general cest les memes chak jour
[01:02] Frizart_TSI> oui clairement
[01:02] amnesia> 007 jouai tjr avec bianca et les avas
[01:02] Frizart_TSI> j'ai des souvenirs
[01:02] amnesia> alor k bianca etai tjr avec delax
[01:02] amnesia> il etai comme un bouche trou
[01:02] Frizart_TSI> oohh j'me souviens
[01:02] Frizart_TSI> MDRRR
[01:03] Frizart_TSI> il joue plus ?
[01:03] [AvA]Unhostable in
[01:03] amnesia> yup
[01:04] amnesia> tsuyoshi a dit quil jouera plus aussi
[01:04] amnesia> ar il a un efnant
[01:04] amnesia> mais qui sait, je pense quil reviendra dans 1 mois max,
[01:04] Frizart_TSI> oui c'est ce que je disais tout à l'heure
[01:04] Frizart_TSI> j'pense aussi
[01:04] Frizart_TSI> il était h24 là
[01:04] Frizart_TSI> il peut pas se passer du jeu comme ça du jour en lendemain lool
[01:04] amnesia> c'est clair
[01:05] Frizart_TSI> jamais vu un mec qui était aussi souvent sur le MM
[01:05] Frizart_TSI> :')
[01:05] amnesia> les autres qui voulai quitter en 1 jour sont la en ce moment xD
[01:05] Frizart_TSI> ahah
[01:05] amnesia> les shamans
[01:05] amnesia> au top LOL
[01:05] Frizart_TSI> et c'est meme pas eux qui jouent le plus
[01:06] cccp out
[01:06] amnesia> je ne sais pas, mais je trouve que spinnifix, blitzchen, tsuyoshi sont les plus actifs en ce moment
[01:06] amnesia> Nici est moins actif
[01:07] amnesia> j sais pas pk
[01:07] amnesia> sans t rod les 8 p games sont mortes
[01:07] Frizart_TSI> https://www.popre.net/leagues.php
[01:07] Frizart_TSI> Ã
[01:07] Frizart_TSI> plus ce signe est bas
[01:07] Frizart_TSI> plus les jouers joue
[01:07] Frizart_TSI> enfin le joueur
[01:08] Frizart_TSI> donc oui spin joue bcp par ex
[01:08] Frizart_TSI> et bianca aussi du coup
[01:08] amnesia> oui comme jai dit
[01:08] amnesia> 1.40
[01:08] amnesia> 1.58
[01:08] Frizart_TSI> yees c'est ça
[01:08] amnesia> moi 5.04
[01:09] Frizart_TSI> lool
[01:09] amnesia> tsu 1.56
[01:09] amnesia> blit 1.57
[01:10] amnesia> ou ils trouvent ce temps
[01:10] amnesia> si long
[01:10] Frizart_TSI> c'est vrai que quand t'es adultes qeu t'as une famille
[01:10] Frizart_TSI> faut le trouver
[01:11] amnesia> well, spin est jeune mais bianca me rends confuse
[01:11] amnesia> car elle a des enfants je pense
[01:11] amnesia> well, c'est pas mon problemem en tout cas
[01:11] Frizart_TSI> surement
[01:12] [AvA]Unhostable out
[01:15] Riquelme in
[01:16] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[01:21] amnesia> tu as visitee Tours ?
[01:21] amnesia> thabite ou exactement en france
[01:21] Frizart_TSI> nan jammais pq ?
[01:21] Frizart_TSI> Clermont Ferrand
[01:21] Frizart_TSI> jsp si tu connais ?
[01:22] amnesia> non
[01:22] amnesia> cest loin du Tours ?
[01:22] Frizart_TSI> plutot oui
[01:22] Frizart_TSI> 3h30
[01:23] Frizart_TSI> de route
[01:23] amnesia> ahh oui je vois
[01:23] amnesia> tours est au nord
[01:23] amnesia> nord-ouest
[01:23] Frizart_TSI> oui c'est ça
[01:23] amnesia> https://2023.febscongress.org/
[01:23] Frizart_TSI> et Clermont au centre
[01:24] amnesia> je serai la
[01:24] amnesia> 8 july-12 july
[01:24] amnesia> ils ontaccepte mon travail
[01:24] Frizart_TSI> ohh
[01:24] Frizart_TSI> sympa
[01:24] amnesia> alors je vais le presenter la
[01:24] amnesia> lol
[01:24] Frizart_TSI> tu trvails dans quoi ?
[01:24] amnesia> je pensais si tu vives plus proche kon pouvai faire un pop-meet
[01:24] Frizart_TSI> c'est pas la premiere fois que tu vas en france ?
[01:25] Frizart_TSI> ahh ça aurait pu
[01:25] amnesia> c'est la premiere fois
[01:25] Frizart_TSI> c'est beau tours
[01:25] Frizart_TSI> c est cool pour une premiere
[01:26] amnesia> oui c'est une belle ville
[01:26] amnesia> mais 3h est plutot loin
[01:26] amnesia> dommage lol
[01:27] Frizart_TSI> y'a des chateaux tres sympa à visiter
[01:27] Frizart_TSI> oui un peu ouais
[01:27] Frizart_TSI> bon, j'vais aller dodo
[01:27] Frizart_TSI> un peu crevé
[01:27] amnesia> bonne nuit !
[01:27] Frizart_TSI> à toi aussi
[01:27] amnesia out
[01:28] Frizart_TSI out
[01:32] [D]Cockroach out
[01:35] [SW]ShadowRealms out
[01:36] [SW]ShadowRealms in
[01:38] Saito_Vdm in
[01:38] Riquelme> jimmy
[01:38] Riquelme> too late
[01:39] Riquelme> study time
[01:39] Saito_Vdm> studiame la verga
[01:41] DrThunderous out
[01:43] Riquelme> ai donde firmo lokita
[01:43] Riquelme> alla a ella le andan haciendo estudiar la verga :'v
[01:51] Saito_Vdm> no es estudiar, es revision por pares de tesis doctoral de la verga de el
[01:55] Riquelme> clase de anatomia
[01:58] [SW]ShadowRealms out
[02:13] bioSound in
[02:20] bioSound out
[03:02] Arc21 in
[03:23] [SW]ShadowRealms in
[03:23] [SW]ShadowRealms in
[03:27] [SW]ShadowRealms out
[03:28] Arc21 out
[03:47] Animacion_OP out
[03:51] [SW]ShadowRealms out
[04:14] Saito_Vdm out
[04:19] [AsG]Keith52 out
[07:01] IncaWarrior out
[07:03] IncaWarrior in
[07:33] [AvA]Unhostable in
[07:37] [AvA]Unhostable out
[08:26] adray_tsi out
[09:38] BlandUnicorn in
[09:38] BlandUnicorn out
[10:18] [AvA]Unhostable in
[10:20] [AvA]Unhostable out
[10:38] [AvA]Fistung in
[10:52] [AvA]Unhostable in
[10:53] [AvA]Unhostable out
[10:54] Frizart_TSI in
[10:54] [GoD]Hakai in
[11:12] [D]Cockroach in
[11:16] [AvA]Unhostable in
[11:18] [AvA]Unhostable out
[11:31] Azuca in
[11:35] Azuca out
[11:50] [GoD]Hakai> Wow man how can you still be in that 1v1
[11:55] BabboPazzo in
[11:56] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> What, you've never played a game that lasted over an hour?
[11:59] BabboPazzo out
[11:59] TheAlmightyDoug in
[12:00] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Hi Doug
[12:01] TheAlmightyDoug> Hi mate
[12:06] Azuca in
[12:08] Azuca out
[12:11] Frizart_TSI out
[12:13] [AvA]Unhostable in
[12:14] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Hey Brandy
[12:14] [AvA]Unhostable> jo toruk
[12:29] [GoD]Hakai> Wow playing 1h15 just to ally up
[12:29] [GoD]Hakai> Lol
[12:33] [GoD]Spinnifix> LOL
[12:50] TheAlmightyDoug out
[12:54] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[12:58] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[12:58] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[13:08] [AvA]Fistung out
[13:09] [AvA]Unhostable out
[13:30] Saito_Vdm in
[13:59] adray_tsi in
[14:04] Luxray in
[14:07] [SW]bardhi in
[14:07] [SW]bardhi out
[14:07] [SW]bardhi in
[14:07] TheAlmightyDoug in
[14:20] [AvA]Unhostable in
[14:27] [SW]PabloEscobar in
[14:29] [AvA]Unhostable out
[14:30] Shiken_at in
[14:31] Kayin in
[14:51] [AvA]Empath in
[14:54] Luxray out
[15:03] [rw]karma in
[15:03] [AvA]Fistung in
[15:05] Saito_Vdm> +1
[15:09] zer0nine2022 out
[15:12] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> hi guys
[15:16] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Anyone here?
[15:19] [AvA]Toruk_Makto out
[15:19] [AvA]Toruk_Makto in
[15:23] Shiken_at out
[15:26] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Wow, so dead today
[15:27] Saito_Vdm> I was on phone
[15:27] [GoD]KPA26> Ill b3 on soon 8::::::::::::::::D
[15:31] [Rw]FreeMatt in
[15:32] TheAlmightyDoug out
[15:33] [Rw]FreeMatt> dead pop
[15:33] [Rw]FreeMatt out
[15:36] [god]KPA26> :peped:
[15:36] [SW]ShadowRealms in
[15:37] Saito_Vdm> Toruk and me vs this noobs
[15:37] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> lol, do you want to die?
[15:37] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Saito_Vdm + [god]KPA26 vs. [AvA]Fistung + [AvA]Toruk_Makto
[15:38] Saito_Vdm> :Kappa:
[15:38] [SW]ShadowRealms in
[15:38] Shiken_at in
[15:41] [SW]ShadowRealms out
[15:41] Kayin out
[15:43] electric_ninja> empath girl you know your mine
[15:44] electric_ninja> baby cakes
[15:44] [SW]ShadowRealms out
[15:44] electric_ninja> :hearts:
[15:44] electric_ninja> empath
[15:45] electric_ninja> u need a strong man
[15:45] electric_ninja> to take care of you
[15:45] electric_ninja> unfortuantely its putin
[15:45] electric_ninja> :(U
[15:46] Kayin in
[15:46] electric_ninja> putin from russia with love
[15:46] Kayin out
[15:46] Kayin in
[15:46] [SW]ShadowRealms in
[15:46] Riquelme> CUTISH CUTISH
[15:47] Riquelme> WHOS NEXT?
[15:47] electric_ninja> *silenced*
[15:50] electric_ninja> lol
[15:50] electric_ninja> gonna play aoe2
[15:50] electric_ninja> brb
[15:53] [AvA]TristanFR in
[15:56] oommIImmoo in
[15:56] oommIImmoo out
[15:56] oommIImmoo in
[15:56] oommIImmoo out
[16:03] adray_tsi out
[16:05] Riquelme> BANCAN SHAT?
[16:06] [GoD]Sho in
[16:07] royaliste in
[16:08] electric_ninja> despression = being bullied with negative thoughts , low self esteem and anxiety
[16:09] [GoD]Hakai> https://www.twitch.tv/hakai_poptb
[16:09] electric_ninja> solution = do what you like to do
[16:09] electric_ninja> find ur hobbies
[16:09] electric_ninja> make a list of hobbys u havent tried
[16:10] electric_ninja> depression is just what kids in schools feel and when they suicide or smth
[16:11] electric_ninja> royaliste
[16:11] electric_ninja> buy a ps5
[16:11] electric_ninja> and play elden ring with me
[16:11] royaliste> you should take your pills rn
[16:11] electric_ninja> hah
[16:12] [GoD]Sho out
[16:12] electric_ninja> i allready took them earlier today
[16:12] electric_ninja> i hate them
[16:12] [GoD]Sho in
[16:12] electric_ninja> i want to live without pills
[16:12] electric_ninja> but then i go into dreamworld
[16:14] electric_ninja> where samurah is
[16:14] electric_ninja> the evil ugly witch
[16:15] [AvA]Unhostable in
[16:15] electric_ninja> she kill you with her eyes
[16:20] [D]O-Zone> She will kill you with her eyes
[16:20] [D]O-Zone> Putin said
[16:21] electric_ninja> yes
[16:21] electric_ninja> yo nici
[16:27] [AvA]Fistung> lag out
[16:27] Saito_Vdm> dammit
[16:27] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> well that was fun
[16:27] Saito_Vdm> i unplugged the laptop and forgot
[16:28] electric_ninja> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGAZqPevJnw&ab_channel=RockPaperShotgun
[16:28] electric_ninja> this game rokcs
[16:28] Saito_Vdm> it was over tough
[16:28] electric_ninja> rocks
[16:28] Saito_Vdm> gg
[16:29] electric_ninja> omfg i need a man to take over my life
[16:29] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Hi Tristan
[16:29] [AvA]TristanFR> Hey
[16:29] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> For once Koopa never had the highest pop. :nice:
[16:31] Saito_Vdm> i need to improve every aspect, but atacking the most
[16:31] Saito_Vdm> i just suck at it
[16:32] [D]O-Zone> Koopa needs to improve every aspects too so dw
[16:32] [D]O-Zone> :winking_face:
[16:32] [AvA]Empath out
[16:32] [AvA]Empath in
[16:33] [D]O-Zone> Guys proper dog shit even hosting
[16:33] [AvA]Fistung out
[16:33] [AvA]Fistung in
[16:33] [god]KPA26> dam 2 days l8r nici still talking that shit
[16:33] Saito_Vdm> yo he fucks more woman than any1 else in chat, so dont bother him
[16:33] Saito_Vdm> or so he says
[16:33] [god]KPA26> i did wut ur dad shoulda done i mean if ya had one
[16:33] Saito_Vdm> xD
[16:33] [god]KPA26> :mooresy:
[16:35] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> :+1:
[16:35] [D]O-Zone> Dam right I am koopa and dam right I will
[16:35] [D]O-Zone> Like you do with the lowies eh?
[16:36] [god]KPA26> good one nici u got me real gud now w8 till u got some folks that will actually bak ur sorry ass up to talk shit brah
[16:36] [D]O-Zone> No need for that, can stand up for my own
[16:36] royaliste out
[16:37] [god]KPA26> ya like last time :kek:
[16:37] [D]O-Zone> What does having someone back me up do?
[16:37] [D]O-Zone> Ya last time you played really good
[16:37] [D]O-Zone> Guess not used with someone having a go at u eh
[16:37] Saito_Vdm> yo i can switch teams and talk shit about nici too
[16:37] [D]O-Zone> Sure
[16:37] Saito_Vdm> am a whore
[16:37] [god]KPA26> nah he needs all the help he can get
[16:38] [god]KPA26> take his side
[16:38] [D]O-Zone> Wore you out myself brah
[16:38] Saito_Vdm> a hoe needs her game
[16:38] [D]O-Zone> Really ez
[16:38] royaliste in
[16:38] Saito_Vdm> +1
[16:38] Saito_Vdm> Royaliste plz join
[16:38] [D]O-Zone> Koopa can't take being harassed by someone better than him
[16:38] [god]KPA26> yeaa i beat u logically on all pts
[16:38] [god]KPA26> and u got so distraught over it
[16:39] [god]KPA26> u went for the classic "1v1 me brah"
[16:39] [D]O-Zone> Soon as a warrior or priest rank talk shit to him he goes straight to 1v1 argument but when it's someone trhat smashes him in game, he just runs away
[16:39] [D]O-Zone> LOOOOL
[16:39] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Empath, why is your ping always so high?
[16:39] [D]O-Zone> Thanks for proving my point
[16:39] [D]O-Zone> Exactly what you do
[16:39] [AvA]Empath> Lol dont know Toruk
[16:39] [D]O-Zone> How does it feel? :winking_face:
[16:39] [god]KPA26> ?? lmao totally 2 diff scenarios brah
[16:39] [D]O-Zone> Totally not
[16:40] [god]KPA26> u cant handle that i critiqued ur gameplay
[16:40] [god]KPA26> so much that u went to the 1 v 1
[16:40] [god]KPA26> very fhking typical of ya
[16:40] [D]O-Zone> I can haha I'm the first one to blame myself
[16:40] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Is it bro, brah, or bruh? ppl keep changing it :kekw:
[16:40] [god]KPA26> i get shit talked on the random
[16:40] [D]O-Zone> If I reckon I played baf
[16:40] [god]KPA26> for nothing by folks i havent even playd
[16:40] [god]KPA26> so i asked for the 1 v 1
[16:40] Saito_Vdm> most pop rage fights
[16:40] Saito_Vdm> https://youtu.be/6zUc-mpMGrs
[16:40] [god]KPA26> 2 totally diff reasons
[16:40] [god]KPA26> u idiot
[16:40] [D]O-Zone> Folks you haven't even played but allied somehoe
[16:40] [D]O-Zone> Somehow
[16:40] [god]KPA26> lmao dudes talking out his ass
[16:41] [D]O-Zone> Hmmm they let you down and replied so you went 1v1 rage?
[16:41] [god]KPA26> who??
[16:41] [god]KPA26> whennnn
[16:41] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> 4v1?
[16:41] [D]O-Zone> Seen it some days ago
[16:41] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> or 3v2?
[16:41] [god]KPA26> whoooo
[16:41] [D]O-Zone> Guys like frisart
[16:41] [D]O-Zone> And hakai
[16:41] [god]KPA26> frizart called me shit
[16:41] [D]O-Zone> That you lost allied to and asked 1v1
[16:41] [D]O-Zone> Well he's right though
[16:41] [D]O-Zone> Sýý idk what u tryna say???
[16:42] [god]KPA26> did we go on about my gameplay?
[16:42] [god]KPA26> make personal jabs?
[16:42] [god]KPA26> ?????
[16:42] [god]KPA26> yes or no bud
[16:42] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I swear ppl spend more time arguing here than actually playing pop. :kekw:
[16:42] [god]KPA26> after i exhaustd u on every front
[16:42] [D]O-Zone> Was the case indeed
[16:42] [god]KPA26> like
[16:42] [god]KPA26> for 20 mins
[16:42] [god]KPA26> u went for the 1 v 1
[16:42] [god]KPA26> lmaooo
[16:42] Riquelme> open spot
[16:42] [D]O-Zone> Lol u can't even exhaust in game let alone in chat
[16:42] Riquelme> empath wanna 1v1?
[16:42] [god]KPA26> frizart called me shit seconds after the game
[16:42] Saito_Vdm> llego mi perrita
[16:42] [god]KPA26> yaaaa nici
[16:42] Riquelme> sexoooooo
[16:43] [god]KPA26> totally the same thing
[16:43] [D]O-Zone> But isn't he right though??
[16:43] Saito_Vdm> Toruk open +1
[16:43] [god]KPA26> fhking retard
[16:43] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> what map?
[16:43] [AvA]Empath> Kpa vs Nici
[16:43] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> [AvA]Toruk_Makto + [AvA]Fistung + Saito_Vdm vs. [AvA]Empath + [AvA]TristanFR + Riquelme
[16:43] [god]KPA26> dude ur talking out ur ass as usual
[16:43] [D]O-Zone> Guy cries non stop about lag and ping but plays piss poor whenever hosting as well
[16:43] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Nici would win, no qestion
[16:43] [god]KPA26> i never host so :shrug:
[16:43] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Give me a map pls
[16:43] Saito_Vdm> I made a big ass lassagna yesterday
[16:43] [AvA]Empath> true
[16:43] [god]KPA26> look at u 2 days l8r
[16:43] [D]O-Zone> Tries to harass low ranks but is put in his place when a big dog shows up :winking_face:
[16:43] [god]KPA26> how butt hurt u r
[16:43] [god]KPA26> arent u embarrassed?
[16:44] [AvA]Empath> Toruk do sess?
[16:44] [D]O-Zone> Nah man just got nothing to do atm
[16:44] Saito_Vdm> got some left overs for now
[16:44] [D]O-Zone> Just came on here to beat u again
[16:44] [god]KPA26> did u get that from ur mum nici?
[16:44] [god]KPA26> thats a feminine trait there bud
[16:44] [god]KPA26> just letting u know
[16:44] [D]O-Zone> Isn't that another subject?
[16:44] [D]O-Zone> According to your ideologies
[16:44] [D]O-Zone> Whether I got it from my mom or not
[16:44] [D]O-Zone> Owned
[16:44] [god]KPA26> nah im legit curious
[16:44] [D]O-Zone> HAHAHHAHAHAHA
[16:44] [D]O-Zone> Fkn raped brah
[16:44] [god]KPA26> im worried about ya kid
[16:45] [D]O-Zone> Try again later, will give u another chance
[16:45] [god]KPA26> it was something i could look over when u were a kid
[16:45] [god]KPA26> but brah ur an adult now
[16:45] [D]O-Zone> We'll see how well you do
[16:45] [god]KPA26> man the fhk up
[16:45] [D]O-Zone> Like the way someone acts on pop portrays real life
[16:45] [D]O-Zone> Dammmb
[16:45] [god]KPA26> brah ur a mental case, its already been proven
[16:46] [D]O-Zone> Mentally challenged eh
[16:46] [god]KPA26> u cnat help but put it out in the open
[16:46] [D]O-Zone> By who?
[16:46] [god]KPA26> thats on u bud
[16:46] Riquelme out
[16:46] [AvA]Empath> who tf left
[16:46] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> facundol
[16:46] Saito_Vdm> yo i was on a short ass phone call
[16:46] [god]KPA26> going on depression rants on mm
[16:46] [god]KPA26> ur sad
[16:46] [D]O-Zone> According to your analysis?
[16:46] Riquelme in
[16:46] Riquelme> sry but i dont like purimir
[16:46] [D]O-Zone> Yea and is it a shame to admit so?
[16:46] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> is everything assed with you, Saito?
[16:46] [D]O-Zone> Makes you less of a human?
[16:46] [god]KPA26> its sad brah
[16:46] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Big ass, short ass, fat ass.....
[16:46] Riquelme> anyone 1v1?
[16:46] [god]KPA26> ur a mental weakling
[16:46] [D]O-Zone> :face_with_tears_of_joy::face_with_tears_of_joy::face_with_tears_of_joy::face_with_tears_of_joy:
[16:46] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> lol
[16:47] [god]KPA26> top 3 lamest shit i saw on mm
[16:47] [AvA]Fistung out
[16:47] [god]KPA26> tbh
[16:47] [GoD]Sho> sharap u both wtf is this convo gonna prove anyway, ur adults? then behave like one gg
[16:47] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I'm not restricting anyone
[16:47] [AvA]Fistung in
[16:47] [god]KPA26> getting adviced from random ass dudes that dont even know ya
[16:47] [D]O-Zone> Well you're on my top 3 too dw
[16:47] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I have zero restrictions on
[16:47] Saito_Vdm> i cant join
[16:47] [GoD]Sho> be more like "hi, good day, wanna paly pop :)?"
[16:47] [god]KPA26> fhking talk to ur fam brah
[16:47] [god]KPA26> k i said wut i needed to say to this sad lil fhk
[16:47] [god]KPA26> weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[16:47] [D]O-Zone> Did, talking about it here doesn't mean I haven't :winking_face:
[16:47] [AvA]Fistung> how about 4v1 jugg?
[16:47] [god]KPA26> brb coffee ;)
[16:48] Saito_Vdm> perra veni
[16:48] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> facundol, don't ask me to open a spot if you just gonna leave the game
[16:48] Saito_Vdm> me da chane para una sola partad
[16:48] [GoD]Sho> dam
[16:48] [GoD]Sho> koopa feels better after makin some1 else feel bad
[16:48] [GoD]Sho> whats that gonna prove koopa
[16:48] [GoD]Sho> tell me
[16:48] [GoD]Sho> wheres the adult in u brah
[16:48] [GoD]Sho> toxic as a fukin brat
[16:48] [GoD]Sho> :gg:
[16:49] Saito_Vdm> if u al adults +35 shall know when ppl behaving like that probably going trough sum shit
[16:49] [AvA]Empath> make me and u
[16:49] [AvA]Empath> oh wait
[16:49] Saito_Vdm> why fuel them?
[16:49] [AvA]Empath> ok
[16:50] [god]KPA26> i dont feel good about it tf u mean?
[16:51] [god]KPA26> im not a sadist brah
[16:51] [AvA]Unhostable out
[16:52] [AvA]Empath> Damn wtf
[16:52] [AvA]Empath> Laptop shut down all of a sudden
[16:52] [AvA]Empath> F man
[16:52] [D]O-Zone> Have you seen koopa harass someone better than him skillwise
[16:52] [D]O-Zone> Cuz he can't take the heat
[16:52] [GoD]Sho> [god]KPA26> k i said wut i needed to say to this sad lil fhk
[16:52] [GoD]Sho> [god]KPA26> weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[16:52] [god]KPA26> harrass about wut?
[16:52] [GoD]Sho> [god]KPA26> ;)
[16:52] [D]O-Zone> Not vulnerable like low ranks
[16:52] [god]KPA26> a game???
[16:52] [GoD]Sho> dam u seem pretty happy brah
[16:52] [god]KPA26> how long do i stay on someones ass nici
[16:52] Riquelme> toruk
[16:52] [god]KPA26> minutes n then im over it
[16:52] Riquelme> put walls?
[16:53] [god]KPA26> u should take sum notes
[16:53] [D]O-Zone> Low ranks tend to take it more serious due to their unexperience
[16:53] [D]O-Zone> Not minutes
[16:53] [god]KPA26> i went off on saito
[16:53] [AvA]Empath> And it started BIOS update
[16:53] [D]O-Zone> Hours, that's how sad you really are lol
[16:53] [god]KPA26> do u see me giving him shit?
[16:53] royaliste out
[16:53] [god]KPA26> okay like WHOOOO
[16:53] [god]KPA26> talking out ur ass again aint u nici ;)
[16:53] [D]O-Zone> I told you above
[16:53] [D]O-Zone> Hakai, frizart, brandimon
[16:53] Saito_Vdm> i do well with negative reinforsment
[16:53] [D]O-Zone> I'll add more I'm forgetting sec
[16:53] [god]KPA26> am i happy now diego ;) ?
[16:53] [D]O-Zone> Let me beat u again round 2
[16:54] [D]O-Zone> No lube this time
[16:54] [god]KPA26> lmaooo?
[16:54] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> That sucks Empath
[16:54] [god]KPA26> hours???
[16:54] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Sorry to hear
[16:54] [god]KPA26> :lol3d:
[16:54] Shiken_at out
[16:54] Saito_Vdm> like when kpa said to me last game to stop diyniig to trops like a fagot
[16:54] [god]KPA26> ask them urself brah
[16:54] [D]O-Zone> Lmao
[16:54] [AvA]Empath> Now it's asking for some disk password, wtf I didn't set any, lmao, let me figure out tf is wrong with this thing
[16:54] [GoD]Sho> koopa gonna make nici log in n rape his ass in a min
[16:54] Saito_Vdm> i did my best after it
[16:54] [AvA]Empath out
[16:54] [AvA]Empath> Made a bad decision buying victus 16
[16:54] [GoD]Sho> not very smart kupa
[16:54] [AvA]Empath> Lol
[16:54] [god]KPA26> ya n u kept letting me get trooped u idiot
[16:54] [D]O-Zone> Koopas just not used to having someone call him ouy
[16:54] [D]O-Zone> Out
[16:54] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> never even heard of victus 16
[16:54] Saito_Vdm> keep on diying to trops, but i tried harder :Kappa:
[16:54] [D]O-Zone> Everyone tends not to care
[16:54] [god]KPA26> idc u got a full untouched base
[16:54] [god]KPA26> n mana
[16:54] [AvA]Empath> It's by hp, toruk
[16:55] [god]KPA26> just fhking troop the god dam mid
[16:55] [AvA]Empath> Their new series
[16:55] [god]KPA26> or fs spam it
[16:55] [D]O-Zone> But dw that'll change every time u harass someone
[16:55] [D]O-Zone> I'll hop in and smash ya ez
[16:55] [god]KPA26> stfu nici im talking to saito here
[16:55] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Oh, well we got a spot open for when you return
[16:55] [god]KPA26> fkhing kid never learnd any manners too
[16:55] [GoD]Sho> loll
[16:55] [AvA]Empath> Ty :slightly_smiling_face:
[16:55] [D]O-Zone> You've encouraged people to quit pop for years lol
[16:55] [god]KPA26> mum wasnt around for much huh
[16:55] [D]O-Zone in
[16:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> dieggggo
[16:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> map?
[16:55] [god]KPA26> quit pop nici
[16:55] [GoD]Sho> any
[16:55] [god]KPA26> oooo stings?
[16:55] [D]O-Zone> Even seen you tell newbies to log out and never return
[16:55] [GoD]Sho> any teams
[16:55] [D]O-Zone> Hhahahaha
[16:55] [GoD]Sho> ohh shit koopa
[16:56] [god]KPA26> poor nici :'(
[16:56] [GoD]Sho> the final boss logged in
[16:56] [D]O-Zone> I still remember the times you used to say you were 2#
[16:56] [GoD]Sho> wut u gunna do brah
[16:56] [D]O-Zone> What the fuck hahahha
[16:56] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> omg, Koopa and Nici are STILL arguing? wow
[16:56] [god]KPA26> TOP 2 IN DA WORLD
[16:56] [D]O-Zone> Fuckin deluded mate
[16:56] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> :popcorn:
[16:56] [god]KPA26> well i was chatting with saito
[16:56] [god]KPA26> but guy went radio silent
[16:56] [AvA]Empath> :popcorn:
[16:56] [god]KPA26> k tf did nici say
[16:56] [god]KPA26> lemme read up
[16:56] [D]O-Zone> not even top 1 in USA
[16:56] [god]KPA26> guy claims i harrass ppl for hours
[16:56] [god]KPA26> i mean ask them nici
[16:57] [D]O-Zone> seen you do that countless times, just never bothered to say anything
[16:57] [god]KPA26> hes talking out his ass as usual
[16:57] [D]O-Zone> thought you'd have the decency to stop
[16:57] [god]KPA26> just makes shit up
[16:57] [D]O-Zone> everyone's that been around long enough knows you've done that non stop
[16:57] [god]KPA26> anyone else seen it?
[16:57] [god]KPA26> ANYONEEE
[16:57] [D]O-Zone> no one has to see it, I have
[16:57] [D]O-Zone> why does it matter if anyone else has seen it ?
[16:57] [D]O-Zone> u need witnesses?
[16:57] Saito_Vdm> imagine this happen in chess mm?
[16:57] [god]KPA26> diego that time i called u out for camping like a bitch
[16:57] Saito_Vdm> th edrama
[16:58] [god]KPA26> was i on ur ass for hours???
[16:58] [D]O-Zone> explains why you've been muted lots of times
[16:58] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> How many times you gonna use that phrase "talking out of his ass" Koopa? :kekw:
[16:58] [D]O-Zone> just like 3 weeks ago u told a newbie to quit pop or log out lolo
[16:58] [god]KPA26> cause thats nicis go to tourk
[16:58] [god]KPA26> he pulls shit out of his ass on the reg
[16:58] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> lol
[16:58] [D]O-Zone> I don't haha
[16:58] [god]KPA26> cause he lacks moral character
[16:58] [D]O-Zone> i'«ve got a great memory, can boast about that
[16:58] [D]O-Zone> ;)
[16:58] [god]KPA26> lying means nothing to him
[16:59] [GoD]Sho> [god]KPA26> was i on ur ass for hours???
[16:59] [GoD]Sho> well u sure cried a lot though
[16:59] [GoD]Sho> was annoying
[16:59] [GoD]Sho> u sure were upset loll
[16:59] [D]O-Zone> wait
[16:59] [D]O-Zone> koopa cried about camping ?
[16:59] [god]KPA26> oh yea i was hella pissed
[16:59] [god]KPA26> at ur shit
[16:59] [god]KPA26> camping style
[16:59] [GoD]Sho> lmfao
[16:59] [D]O-Zone> cried about something he does all the fuckin time
[16:59] [D]O-Zone> LOL
[16:59] [god]KPA26> did i harrass u for hours?
[16:59] Saito_Vdm> man the fucking elon musk cohet failed to launch
[16:59] [GoD]Sho> :wow:
[16:59] [god]KPA26> nici calm the fhk down
[16:59] [GoD]Sho> yes koopa for hours n hours :sob:
[16:59] [D]O-Zone> the hypocrisy :lmao:
[16:59] [god]KPA26> i cant keep up with all ur lies ;)
[17:00] [D]O-Zone> koopas been known for being a huge ass camper lol
[17:00] [D]O-Zone> always following shaman's on PP
[17:00] [GoD]Sho> almost made me quit god brah :pepecry:
[17:00] [god]KPA26> dam k thats one instance :mooresy:
[17:00] [D]O-Zone> got no other strategy
[17:00] [god]KPA26> look how riled i got nici
[17:00] Saito_Vdm> it is a bigh ass one capplable of getting ppl to the moon and mars
[17:00] [god]KPA26> i cant even keep up with him
[17:00] [D]O-Zone> can't keep up with anything tbf
[17:00] [god]KPA26> toruk nicis always been like this
[17:00] [god]KPA26> havent u ever noticed
[17:00] [god]KPA26> google single parent child syndrome
[17:00] [D]O-Zone> ye im toxic af but haven't told anyone to quit pop or whatever else ;)
[17:00] [god]KPA26> thats nici :mooresy:
[17:01] [god]KPA26> ya boo hoo :'(
[17:01] [GoD]Sho> how bout u both stop n ask what u both realy want
[17:01] [god]KPA26> wut i want?
[17:01] [GoD]Sho> look into ur souls
[17:01] [D]O-Zone> guy harasses low ranks on the daily
[17:01] [god]KPA26> less fhking pyschos on this mm
[17:01] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> They want each other, Sho
[17:01] [D]O-Zone> that's how shit he is
[17:01] [god]KPA26> for hours ya nici we already heard this
[17:01] [GoD]Sho> deep inside all u want is friendship n fun :peepolove:
[17:01] Saito_Vdm> it happend to me acouple time u know, not being able to launch, even with a hot girl neked in bed
[17:01] [GoD]Sho> :pepelove:
[17:01] JJaydenn_TSI in
[17:01] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> JJ just in time for the shit show
[17:02] Saito_Vdm> i feel u elon
[17:02] [D]O-Zone> no reason not to even though you harass people a lot
[17:02] [god]KPA26> the pyschological scars
[17:02] [D]O-Zone> specially LOW ranks, like I said
[17:02] [god]KPA26> i leave on them
[17:02] [god]KPA26> poor them
[17:02] JJaydenn_TSI> tfs going on here lol
[17:02] [D]O-Zone> actually, yes
[17:02] [GoD]Sho> koopa vs nici jay
[17:02] [god]KPA26> nicis havent a melt down
[17:02] [D]O-Zone> people who're less skilled and less experienced tend to take it deeper
[17:02] [GoD]Sho> they been like that for hours
[17:02] [GoD]Sho> :weeary:
[17:02] [god]KPA26> having*
[17:02] [GoD]Sho> :weary:
[17:02] JJaydenn_TSI> is koopa still defending his shit gameplay that pp game oh no
[17:02] [god]KPA26> nah
[17:02] JJaydenn_TSI> just look at his stats
[17:02] [god]KPA26> nicis claiming
[17:03] JJaydenn_TSI> 7-22 kd
[17:03] [god]KPA26> i harass players for hours
[17:03] [D]O-Zone> i got proof
[17:03] [god]KPA26> i give it to them soooo bad
[17:03] [D]O-Zone> my memory
[17:03] JJaydenn_TSI> u do lol
[17:03] [god]KPA26> they they play with me the game after
[17:03] [god]KPA26> who?
[17:03] [D]O-Zone> you're j ust a tard like matt
[17:03] [god]KPA26> u?
[17:03] [D]O-Zone> lol
[17:03] Saito_Vdm> [D]O-Zone> people who're less skilled and less experienced tend to take it deeper :rainblow:
[17:03] JJaydenn_TSI> theres many times ive allied u and u let me down and u go on for about about it crying like a fag lol
[17:03] [GoD]Sho> :lflex::weary::rflex:
[17:03] [god]KPA26> nah jjay i dont think me n u have even gone at it
[17:03] [god]KPA26> or more then 5 mins?
[17:04] [god]KPA26> and thats casue ur retarded ass wont stfu
[17:04] Riquelme> diego
[17:04] Riquelme> bancan shat?
[17:04] [GoD]Sho> :lbiceps::aaaaa:rbiceps:
[17:04] [GoD]Sho> shiet
[17:04] JJaydenn_TSI> see what i mean koopa :kekw:
[17:04] [GoD]Sho> que dices facu
[17:04] Riquelme> busca
[17:04] [god]KPA26> ya nici give me a name of sum1
[17:04] Riquelme> el
[17:04] Riquelme> Bancan shat?
[17:04] [god]KPA26> that refuses to play with me
[17:04] [D]O-Zone> have you gone out the closet n made out with Matt?
[17:04] JJaydenn_TSI> NICI 1V1
[17:04] [D]O-Zone> I didn't say anyone refuses
[17:04] [GoD]Sho> loll
[17:04] [D]O-Zone> that's you claiming right now
[17:04] [god]KPA26> cause ive been such a bad person to them
[17:04] [GoD]Sho> ni puta idea
[17:04] [GoD]Sho> de loq ue dice
[17:04] [god]KPA26> :mooresy:
[17:04] JJaydenn_TSI> 1.1 !
[17:04] [god]KPA26> waoh not now jjay
[17:04] [god]KPA26> nicis jimmies r rustled
[17:05] [D]O-Zone> lol jjaydenn got more balls than koopsz
[17:05] [god]KPA26> hes in no mood for pop
[17:05] [D]O-Zone> pooper
[17:05] [god]KPA26> dam jjay got balls?
[17:05] JJaydenn_TSI> both need warm up game lol
[17:05] [god]KPA26> 1 v 1 me jjay
[17:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> lets dop jughger
[17:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> jugger
[17:05] [GoD]Spinnifix> with nici
[17:05] [D]O-Zone> ill play jjaydenn but need some mins for pc to heat up
[17:05] [GoD]Sho> tbh i think jay will win lollll
[17:05] [god]KPA26> word is u got ballz now
[17:05] [god]KPA26> from the lil man nici
[17:05] TheAlmightyDoug in
[17:05] [D]O-Zone> why would he play you though
[17:05] JJaydenn_TSI> and im more fun to play against than u i dont follow shamans all game like a fag
[17:05] [D]O-Zone> when he can play me ?
[17:05] [god]KPA26> lmaooo
[17:05] [god]KPA26> dude thats fhking u
[17:06] JJaydenn_TSI> nah nici will smash me but want quick warm up lol
[17:06] [god]KPA26> mh kd stays on the negetive most times
[17:06] [D]O-Zone> have not seen a koopa stream where he's not doing that
[17:06] Abercrombie in
[17:06] JJaydenn_TSI> dam spin wanting 6p game
[17:06] [D]O-Zone> it's ok go play, pc still starting up
[17:06] [god]KPA26> k im dog shit apparently, so warm up on me
[17:06] [god]KPA26> or do this 2 v 2
[17:06] JJaydenn_TSI> up for a 6p game koopa
[17:06] [god]KPA26> idgaf
[17:06] JJaydenn_TSI> see thats the koopa im talking about
[17:06] JJaydenn_TSI> the one thats doesnt give a fk about points n shit
[17:07] [GoD]Sho> shit
[17:07] JJaydenn_TSI> ur been acting hella weird since u aint had shaman rank for more than a day
[17:07] [GoD]Sho> here i was specting some 1v1 action
[17:07] [god]KPA26> ??
[17:07] [GoD]Sho> between kopa n jay
[17:07] [god]KPA26> i havent chagned a bit
[17:07] [D]O-Zone> not that he deserves it anyway
[17:07] [god]KPA26> road to top 2 coming soon ;)
[17:07] JJaydenn_TSI> koopa is boring 2 play against everytime i get upper hand on him guy camps like a bitch lol
[17:07] [D]O-Zone> :*
[17:07] [D]inobeemon in
[17:08] [god]KPA26> man im nonstop aggressive
[17:08] [GoD]Sho> oh shiet dis truh koopa
[17:08] [god]KPA26> guys making shit up
[17:08] [GoD]Sho> n then u blame campers :(
[17:08] [D]O-Zone> that's koopas gameplay for 10+ years lol
[17:08] JJaydenn_TSI> ur really not koopa
[17:08] [god]KPA26> ull see
[17:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> FRANCISCO
[17:08] [D]O-Zone> have not met any other version of him
[17:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> HEAT UP GOP JOIN
[17:08] [god]KPA26> sec i need a min
[17:08] [D]O-Zone> nope don't play beta anymore
[17:08] [god]KPA26> get +1 tho
[17:08] [D]O-Zone> after that game with koopa
[17:08] [god]KPA26> +1 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[17:08] [god]KPA26> :mooresy:
[17:08] [D]O-Zone> traumatized
[17:08] JJaydenn_TSI> i litrally slapped u and bian up on that 2v2 with sho and u couldnt do shit as big base
[17:08] [god]KPA26> :topkek:
[17:08] [D]O-Zone> I mean, 2v2 sure tho
[17:08] [GoD]Spinnifix> hmnmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
[17:08] JJaydenn_TSI> well was 4v4
[17:09] JJaydenn_TSI> but was 2c2 all game pretty much
[17:09] [D]O-Zone> but cant play yet anyway
[17:09] [D]O-Zone> need 30 mins cool down
[17:09] JJaydenn_TSI> dam lol
[17:09] [GoD]Sho> cool down from what
[17:09] JJaydenn_TSI> u need good set up nici
[17:09] [D]O-Zone> no money bro
[17:09] JJaydenn_TSI> bet u be fast asf with decent set up
[17:09] Saito_Vdm> yo i got insta kik?
[17:09] [D]O-Zone> im jobless depressed n been harassed by pooper
[17:09] JJaydenn_TSI> JJaydenn_TSI + [god]KPA26 + [GoD]Sho vs. [GoD]Hakai + [GoD]Spinnifix + Kayin
[17:09] [D]O-Zone> ;(
[17:09] Saito_Vdm> shiiiit man
[17:09] JJaydenn_TSI> dam do i gotta ally koopa lol
[17:10] [GoD]Sho> best is a joke
[17:10] JJaydenn_TSI> who bk base for u spin?
[17:10] [GoD]Sho> but cant blame, shits hard to balance nowadays
[17:10] [D]O-Zone> gl allying koopa
[17:10] [D]O-Zone> 99% he only pulls an attack or goes for when he has firestorm
[17:10] [D]O-Zone> thjat's how useless he is lol
[17:10] [GoD]Spinnifix> hakai
[17:10] [GoD]Spinnifix> jjayden
[17:11] JJaydenn_TSI> kk
[17:11] [GoD]Spinnifix> hard game
[17:11] electric_ninja> aww why make fun of koopa
[17:11] [GoD]Sho> jay
[17:11] [GoD]Sho> u take back
[17:11] electric_ninja> hes a gud guy
[17:11] JJaydenn_TSI> yeye
[17:11] [D]O-Zone> well, just harassing a bit
[17:11] [D]O-Zone> nothing much
[17:11] electric_ninja> lol
[17:12] Saito_Vdm> such a pacefull chat now
[17:12] [D]O-Zone> he can buy sheets at the locals to wipe out tears
[17:12] Saito_Vdm> Toruk fu u play like shit, your hosting sucks
[17:12] [GoD]Hakai> .
[17:12] [D]O-Zone> ty
[17:12] [GoD]Hakai> https://www.twitch.tv/hakai_poptb
[17:12] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> That was uncalled for, Saito
[17:12] [D]O-Zone> better not be bierd view
[17:13] [GoD]Hakai> ofc nit
[17:13] Saito_Vdm> neeed to keep the fight in chat
[17:13] [D]O-Zone> :D
[17:13] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> [AvA]Toruk_Makto + [AvA]TristanFR vs. [AvA]Fistung + TheAlmightyDoug
[17:13] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> what map guys?
[17:13] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> lol
[17:13] TheAlmightyDoug> Anything
[17:13] TheAlmightyDoug> other than pp
[17:14] [D]O-Zone> learn pp mate, you wont want anything else afterwards
[17:14] [D]O-Zone> or craters
[17:14] [D]O-Zone> far bette
[17:14] [D]O-Zone> better
[17:14] [D]O-Zone> craters is the best map ever
[17:14] TheAlmightyDoug> I'm played it so many times but I always seem to lose
[17:15] TheAlmightyDoug> Also I know how good you are on craters seen the tourneys :')
[17:15] [D]O-Zone> lol
[17:15] [D]O-Zone> might have caught up some losses then
[17:15] [D]O-Zone> its not an easy to control map
[17:15] TheAlmightyDoug> Yeah agreed
[17:15] [D]inobeemon> eww craters rather play sess
[17:15] TheAlmightyDoug> good map though
[17:16] [D]inobeemon> im fw ranker by the way :)
[17:16] electric_ninja> summon a gay in game to help = cheating?
[17:16] [D]O-Zone> well definition of strategy in pop
[17:16] [D]O-Zone> if strategy was a map
[17:16] [D]O-Zone> it would be called craters
[17:16] [D]O-Zone> PP is the best overall but craters is hands down the most strategical
[17:16] TheAlmightyDoug> I think I struggle with PP because you have to really multitask
[17:17] TheAlmightyDoug> and I seem to struggle against good defences
[17:17] [D]O-Zone> yea, opposedf to craters, on PP you have to multitask
[17:17] [D]O-Zone> a lot
[17:17] [AvA]Fistung out
[17:17] TheAlmightyDoug> Yeah that's where i struggle atm
[17:17] TheAlmightyDoug> I know what to do
[17:18] TheAlmightyDoug> just can't do it all at once
[17:18] [D]O-Zone> well,
[17:18] Riquelme> toruk wait
[17:18] [D]O-Zone> it's also down to whether you want to become better or not
[17:18] [D]O-Zone> becoming better doens't mean you stop having fun
[17:18] [AvA]Fistung in
[17:18] [D]O-Zone> that's just a myth people have started up
[17:19] [D]O-Zone> obviously that 6p or 8p games don't make you improve
[17:19] [D]O-Zone> 2v2's and 1v1's are the basics that make you competitive
[17:19] [D]O-Zone> make you rely on yourself more and more
[17:19] Saito_Vdm> Nici how old are u? u sound like an old wise man from the tibet
[17:19] [D]O-Zone> lol wut
[17:19] [D]O-Zone> 25
[17:19] Saito_Vdm> nah
[17:19] [D]inobeemon> sound like a person with common sense
[17:20] [D]inobeemon> that people lack
[17:20] [D]inobeemon> and critical thinking
[17:20] [D]O-Zone> i'm dalai lama
[17:20] [D]inobeemon> which is valuable
[17:20] electric_ninja> :surprise:
[17:20] [D]inobeemon> ur divs slave
[17:20] [D]O-Zone> but ye, unlucky for you Doug, not that many streams around anymore
[17:20] [D]O-Zone> and less 2v2 over time
[17:20] electric_ninja> is dalai lama a slave?
[17:21] [D]O-Zone> back some years ago there used to be streaming constantly
[17:21] [SW]bardhi out
[17:21] [D]O-Zone> it's always nice to watch different people play and pick up little bits here and there
[17:21] [D]O-Zone> I picked up some stuff from people that aren't even that good
[17:21] TheAlmightyDoug> Yeah it's all old videos on youtube to watch nowadays really
[17:21] [D]O-Zone> but all together helps you
[17:22] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> what map guys?
[17:22] electric_ninja> you like physics almighty?
[17:22] [D]O-Zone> think mastering some good maps makes you able to have a general idea of a random map you're put on
[17:22] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> [AvA]Toruk_Makto + Saito_Vdm + [AvA]Fistung vs. TheAlmightyDoug + [AvA]TristanFR + Riquelme
[17:22] royaliste in
[17:22] [D]O-Zone> experience as well, of course
[17:22] [AvA]Empath in
[17:22] Saito_Vdm> yo hakkai is quite good
[17:22] TheAlmightyDoug> Yeah all comes with playing more really, I'll get there
[17:22] electric_ninja> i dont know what experience does
[17:22] Riquelme> empat
[17:22] [SW]PabloEscobar out
[17:22] Riquelme> wanna 1v1
[17:22] Riquelme> ?
[17:22] [D]O-Zone> he needs to harvest lol
[17:22] electric_ninja> i mean
[17:22] [AvA]Empath> Why do u wanna 1v1 me Facu
[17:23] [AvA]Empath> When I asked u, u didn't agree
[17:23] electric_ninja> experience doesnt mean skilled or having learned alot does it?
[17:23] Riquelme> running?
[17:23] Riquelme> :v
[17:23] [AvA]Empath> lololol
[17:23] [AvA]Empath> nah, will do some other time
[17:23] [AvA]Empath> come join
[17:23] Riquelme> i can detect fear like depretator
[17:23] [D]O-Zone> well
[17:23] [AvA]Empath> U are quite scary ngl, facu
[17:23] electric_ninja> are you scared riq?
[17:23] [D]O-Zone> some people have played so many matches
[17:23] electric_ninja> not scared enough
[17:23] [SW]bardhi in
[17:23] [D]O-Zone> but have they got better with time or tried to ?
[17:23] Riquelme> scared about time
[17:24] [D]O-Zone> they might be experienced at playing sure
[17:24] [D]O-Zone> but not experienced at handling in game situyations
[17:24] [D]O-Zone> look at w33d
[17:24] [D]O-Zone> perfect example
[17:24] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> map okay?
[17:24] Riquelme> the clock
[17:24] Riquelme> is fast
[17:24] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> or change?
[17:24] [SW]bardhi out
[17:24] TheAlmightyDoug> Suppose you've got to actually take note of your weaknessses to actually improve
[17:24] electric_ninja> experience = skill?
[17:24] [AvA]Empath> Yes map ok
[17:24] [D]O-Zone> not necessarily
[17:24] [AvA]Empath> lets go
[17:24] electric_ninja> i mean
[17:24] electric_ninja> there are alot of expereinced players
[17:24] electric_ninja> but they not all gud
[17:24] [AvA]Empath> [AvA]Toruk_Makto + Saito_Vdm + [AvA]Fistung vs. TheAlmightyDoug + [AvA]TristanFR + [AvA]Empath
[17:24] [D]O-Zone> many players are experienced but not skilled, if by skilled you mean GOOD
[17:24] electric_ninja> so experience doesnt mean your a good player
[17:25] [D]O-Zone> exactly
[17:25] [D]O-Zone> but to be good you need experience, obvfiously
[17:25] electric_ninja> yes
[17:25] electric_ninja> true
[17:25] electric_ninja> experience is aquired by learning right?
[17:25] electric_ninja> but learning alot doesnt mean you know how to use what you learned
[17:25] [D]O-Zone> yes and playing a lot
[17:25] [D]O-Zone> that too
[17:25] [D]O-Zone> needs to be put in practice
[17:25] electric_ninja> yes
[17:26] electric_ninja> practice the game
[17:26] [D]O-Zone> it«'s like taking driving tests
[17:26] electric_ninja> play over 1000 hours i think
[17:26] electric_ninja> maagnus carlsen played over 1000 games in his carrer before getting to a grandm
[17:26] electric_ninja> i have played pop for 22 years
[17:26] electric_ninja> and im still a avarage
[17:26] [D]O-Zone> 1000 games might still be short for how good he got
[17:27] [D]O-Zone> yes but you did not play on a constant basis
[17:27] electric_ninja> i did
[17:27] electric_ninja> every day for 3 hours max
[17:27] [D]O-Zone> plus, the shortage of players back in the day
[17:27] electric_ninja> i reemmber i had so much lagg
[17:27] electric_ninja> because
[17:27] [D]O-Zone> meant that there were less players to unleash different tactics
[17:27] electric_ninja> iceland so far away from others
[17:27] electric_ninja> yes
[17:27] [D]O-Zone> true, that sucks
[17:27] electric_ninja> there were like 30 active players in 2002
[17:27] [D]O-Zone> people also step up their skills by watching, learning from others
[17:27] electric_ninja> this game was ALOT differnet then than now
[17:28] electric_ninja> other tactics
[17:28] [D]O-Zone> trying , creating, diff minds
[17:28] [D]O-Zone> yea
[17:28] [D]O-Zone> we still don't know to what extent someone could step up their game play
[17:28] [D]O-Zone> if there were millions playing this game
[17:28] electric_ninja> experience and then learn how to use what you learned with intuition?
[17:28] [D]O-Zone> yep
[17:29] [D]O-Zone> with habit, comes intuition
[17:29] [D]O-Zone> it's fun
[17:29] Riquelme> if million players here
[17:29] Riquelme> i think
[17:29] Riquelme> many pro players
[17:29] Riquelme> can spam flatten only
[17:29] [D]O-Zone> true
[17:29] Riquelme> is the monkey way but
[17:29] Riquelme> is very usefull that shit
[17:31] [D]O-Zone> did hakai build a 2nd firewarrior hut ?
[17:31] [D]O-Zone> back base needs to troop heacvily
[17:32] [D]inobeemon> or play a good map
[17:32] [D]O-Zone> sapin shoulda played back base
[17:32] [D]O-Zone> that too
[17:32] [D]O-Zone> walls 4p+ is so boring n disgusting
[17:33] Abercrombie out
[17:36] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> what did you say, empath?
[17:36] Saito_Vdm> never call me good player again
[17:36] [AvA]Empath> LMAO
[17:36] [AvA]Empath> Okok
[17:36] [AvA]Empath> Yea tbf Saito is outta form
[17:36] [AvA]Empath> Just like Tristan
[17:36] [AvA]Empath> And almighty is new
[17:37] [AvA]Empath> so on this side I was alone :( and I ain't good
[17:37] electric_ninja> not really
[17:37] TheAlmightyDoug> basically sess is eq front cut off one person or even 2 and then triple whoever is left :')
[17:37] electric_ninja> hes been playing for 2 years
[17:37] Saito_Vdm> now that being tripled is always a pain in the ass
[17:37] [AvA]Empath> Yea I agree with u almighty
[17:37] [AvA]Empath> Sess is about luck
[17:37] TheAlmightyDoug> pretty much
[17:37] [AvA]Empath> the one who gets to cut the other off first has the game
[17:37] electric_ninja> but doug is a gud player :D
[17:37] [AvA]Empath> Yea he is good, but new
[17:37] TheAlmightyDoug> Thanks ossur I'm alright just need to keep learning
[17:37] electric_ninja> well
[17:37] [AvA]Empath> experience is needed in this game more than anything
[17:37] [D]O-Zone> remember when people used to cry about getting doubled
[17:37] [D]O-Zone> lol
[17:37] electric_ninja> he hasnt been playing for a long time
[17:37] [D]O-Zone> as if being tripled was any better
[17:37] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> That's true, Empath, it's all about the first cut
[17:37] [AvA]Empath> yeye
[17:38] [AvA]Empath> ye toruk
[17:38] TheAlmightyDoug> It happens just gotta deal with it :')
[17:38] electric_ninja> lol
[17:38] Riquelme> pop is like sex?
[17:38] electric_ninja> yes we all die smth
[17:38] TheAlmightyDoug> I'm coming off for a bit but I'll be back later lads
[17:38] TheAlmightyDoug out
[17:38] electric_ninja> hes loooool
[17:38] Saito_Vdm> yes facu, just like sex if u get to deflore with the first eq, bitches will get tripled
[17:38] [AvA]Empath> lmao
[17:39] Meph in
[17:39] Riquelme> just say
[17:39] Riquelme> "hey , suck my tower" " populous reference :D"
[17:39] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> pop is like sess, you get to bd and fuck your opponent, if you know what I mean ;)
[17:39] Riquelme> u win
[17:39] [AvA]Empath> lol facu
[17:39] [AvA]Empath> lolool
[17:39] [AvA]TristanFR> lol
[17:39] Riquelme> and if the girls says " what are u saying?"
[17:39] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> sex*
[17:39] [AvA]Empath> ye figured
[17:40] electric_ninja> toruk u want to have sex?
[17:40] Riquelme> u said " im just talking about pop a game from 1999, inca is the owner..."
[17:40] electric_ninja> JOKE
[17:40] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> ye ossur, let's do it
[17:40] electric_ninja> nah
[17:40] Riquelme> married in two months confirmed
[17:40] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[17:40] [AvA]Empath> /me announces Toruk and Ossur's relationship[
[17:40] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> where's our honeymoon, Ossur?
[17:41] electric_ninja> Awww so u gonna let the world know of our relationship :/
[17:41] [AvA]Empath> ofc man
[17:41] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> :*
[17:41] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[17:41] [AvA]Empath> damn
[17:41] [AvA]Empath> tis escalating fastr
[17:41] electric_ninja> toruk was first sorry mpath
[17:41] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> lol
[17:41] adray_tsi in
[17:41] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> :+2:
[17:41] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> or do we go 2v2?
[17:41] [AvA]Empath> sure, go sess
[17:42] [AvA]Empath> [AvA]Toruk_Makto + [AvA]TristanFR vs. [AvA]Empath + Saito_Vdm.
[17:42] boss-of-all in
[17:43] [GoD]Sho> ey gg
[17:43] [god]KPA26> dam son gg
[17:43] [SW]PabloEscobar in
[17:43] [GoD]Sho> :wp::ye:
[17:43] JJaydenn_TSI> im 2 op back base
[17:43] Saito_Vdm> who won?
[17:43] [GoD]Hakai> im weak back base
[17:43] JJaydenn_TSI> i didnt harvest enough tho that time has treesless for like 5 mins
[17:43] Saito_Vdm> dam i was chering for hakai that game
[17:43] [GoD]Spinnifix> lol
[17:43] [GoD]Spinnifix> man :')
[17:43] [GoD]Sho> next time we should bring a bra for spins base
[17:43] [GoD]Sho> :peped:
[17:44] JJaydenn_TSI> :kekw:
[17:44] Saito_Vdm> need other player to simp at
[17:44] [GoD]Spinnifix> do that with 100 pop
[17:44] boss-of-all out
[17:44] euan100o in
[17:45] [GoD]Hakai out
[17:45] Abercrombie in
[17:45] JJaydenn_TSI> idk why but when i play blue i feel 2x more powerfull
[17:45] JJaydenn_TSI> 2x more deadly than i already am
[17:51] Darthod in
[17:52] euan100o out
[17:52] Darthod out
[17:53] royaliste out
[17:54] royaliste in
[17:55] r3tr0 in
[17:56] r3tr0> interesting
[17:57] electric_ninja> yo weedf
[17:57] electric_ninja> got ps5
[17:57] electric_ninja> ?
[17:57] r3tr0> cant u go hang urself
[17:58] [god]KPA26> :lol3d:
[17:58] [god]KPA26> yo ossur nice new nik
[17:59] [god]KPA26> that from a video game or sum
[17:59] electric_ninja> yo
[17:59] electric_ninja> ninja
[17:59] [god]KPA26> that a game or wut
[17:59] [god]KPA26> i dont play video games much brah
[17:59] electric_ninja> you play pop
[17:59] electric_ninja> and aoe2
[17:59] electric_ninja> hey koopa
[17:59] electric_ninja> buy ps5
[17:59] [god]KPA26> ya nd bw
[18:00] [god]KPA26> just those games man
[18:00] electric_ninja> and we can play elden ring togeether
[18:00] [god]KPA26> lmaoo
[18:00] [god]KPA26> nah man
[18:00] electric_ninja> kk
[18:00] [god]KPA26> i dont play ez ass cingle plyr games
[18:00] [god]KPA26> ai not up to par with my big ass mind
[18:01] electric_ninja> :coffe:
[18:01] electric_ninja> :coffee:
[18:01] electric_ninja> brb
[18:01] [god]KPA26> +4 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[18:02] Nsk in
[18:03] electric_ninja> retro
[18:03] r3tr0> dam fnv is so kewl also this music in the game makes me feel like a psychopath feel just like home doesnt it spinnifix
[18:03] electric_ninja> u stole his name
[18:03] r3tr0> go kill urself
[18:03] electric_ninja> >:)
[18:04] electric_ninja> if u d say that to someone real life i m sure u d get punched
[18:04] [GoD]Spinnifix> weed join
[18:05] electric_ninja> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6xvvJr9yQY&ab_channel=ESO
[18:06] r3tr0> cant playing fnv
[18:07] Riquelme> dark souls is very hard koopa
[18:07] [GoD]Spinnifix> whats that
[18:07] Riquelme> u need play it
[18:08] [D]inobeemon> dark niggas
[18:08] electric_ninja> fack
[18:08] electric_ninja> elden ring is from the same makers as dark souls
[18:09] electric_ninja> but its not the same game
[18:09] electric_ninja> much betterr
[18:09] electric_ninja> and u need ps5 to play it
[18:09] electric_ninja> and yes
[18:09] electric_ninja> elden ring is supposed to be hard like the other sequels
[18:10] electric_ninja> u can coop
[18:10] electric_ninja> internetr
[18:10] [D]inobeemon> petition to mute ossur permanently
[18:10] electric_ninja> fuck you
[18:10] electric_ninja> im b locking you
[18:10] [D]inobeemon> reason: waste of breath
[18:10] electric_ninja> u sad frog
[18:10] Kayin out
[18:15] [AvA]Fistung> i have food in the oven
[18:15] [AvA]Fistung> will play after
[18:15] Meph out
[18:16] [GoD]Sho out
[18:18] [SW]ShadowRealms out
[18:20] [AvA]TristanFR> gg
[18:20] Saito_Vdm> gg
[18:20] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> gg
[18:22] Saito_Vdm out
[18:24] [GoD]Sho in
[18:27] Blitzchen_OP in
[18:28] [GoD]Spinnifix> [GoD]Spinnifix + [SW]PabloEscobar + Blitzchen_OP vs. [god]KPA26 + JJaydenn_TSI + royaliste
[18:28] [god]KPA26> i gotta go corded
[18:28] [god]KPA26> mouse is blinking
[18:31] electric_ninja> u talking about a mouse?
[18:35] [god]KPA26> ye my wireless brah
[18:40] electric_ninja> wireless mouse ? :thinking:
[18:42] Abercrombie out
[18:43] chase_TN in
[18:44] [AvA]TristanFR out
[18:44] [GoD]Genkidama> spinn
[18:44] [GoD]Genkidama> du wixxer
[18:45] [GoD]Spinnifix> na komm
[18:48] chase_TN out
[18:49] [GoD]Genkidama in
[18:53] [GoD]Genkidama> w33d my bestie
[18:53] [GoD]Genkidama> lets have some good games together?
[18:56] r3tr0> :ehuh:
[19:01] TheAlmightyDoug in
[19:01] electric_ninja> hey master doug
[19:01] TheAlmightyDoug> Hey Ossur
[19:01] electric_ninja> got a pizza in the oven
[19:01] electric_ninja> brb
[19:01] TheAlmightyDoug> Good chat :')
[19:02] electric_ninja> :)
[19:02] electric_ninja> what is 1^x + 2^x = 4^x
[19:02] electric_ninja> x?
[19:03] TheAlmightyDoug> That is a maths question I'm not equipped to answer
[19:03] electric_ninja> so ur not stanford
[19:03] electric_ninja> ?
[19:03] TheAlmightyDoug> In my dreams I might be
[19:04] electric_ninja> whos the smartest person you have met "not including you"
[19:04] electric_ninja> even ed atmits that juan is smarter
[19:04] electric_ninja> or im wrong
[19:05] electric_ninja> gerard looks like hes in a psychosis
[19:05] electric_ninja> but guys hella smart
[19:06] Animacion_OP in
[19:14] Luxray in
[19:14] [AvA]aravinth in
[19:16] electric_ninja> i dont believe in iq tests, you cant calculate intelligense with numbers
[19:16] Blitzchen_OP> gg
[19:17] royaliste> gg
[19:18] [Rw]Phoenix- in
[19:19] [SW]bardhi in
[19:19] [SW]bardhi out
[19:19] [SW]bardhi in
[19:20] [AvA]aravinth> o,ca
[19:20] [AvA]aravinth> inca
[19:20] Riquelme> why nobody
[19:20] Riquelme> ask me to join hut
[19:20] Riquelme> :c
[19:21] Blitzchen_OP> cuz you simply can join a hut
[19:21] Blitzchen_OP> if you feel like it
[19:21] [AvA]Fistung> pls join facundp <3
[19:21] Riquelme> i have to go university sorry
[19:21] Riquelme> bye
[19:21] TheAlmightyDoug> What Bianca said
[19:21] electric_ninja> lol
[19:21] electric_ninja> fack in a university?
[19:21] electric_ninja> what you studying
[19:21] Riquelme> industry eenginering
[19:21] electric_ninja> cool
[19:21] [AvA]Fistung> nice
[19:21] [AvA]aravinth> gotta rename myself thunder_ninja
[19:22] TheAlmightyDoug> Then why don't you engineer a way to join this hut for a 3v3
[19:22] electric_ninja> lolol
[19:22] electric_ninja> ye fine by me
[19:22] electric_ninja> @ara
[19:23] Riquelme> because my engineer way thinks is better go to university to get a job and get out of this fucking country is a shit pls help}
[19:23] [AvA]aravinth> nvm
[19:23] TheAlmightyDoug> Nah populous is more important
[19:23] [SW]bardhi out
[19:23] electric_ninja> you can only get people to help you help yourself
[19:23] [AvA]aravinth> it wasn't electric and thunder but thunder and lightning
[19:23] electric_ninja> ye
[19:23] electric_ninja> electric still around?
[19:23] [AvA]aravinth> nope probably in jail
[19:23] electric_ninja> for wat
[19:24] TheAlmightyDoug> +1
[19:24] [AvA]aravinth> either cracking the nsa or touching young people
[19:24] electric_ninja> wtf a pedo
[19:24] electric_ninja> sik
[19:24] [GoD]Sho> [GoD]Genkidama> w33d my bestie
[19:24] [GoD]Sho> [GoD]Genkidama> lets have some good games together?
[19:24] [GoD]Sho> ditched at the first opportinity
[19:24] [GoD]Sho> :lol:_
[19:24] [GoD]Sho> playin cod spin bro
[19:25] [GoD]Sho> mm reconecting 99 times per day
[19:25] [GoD]Sho> annoyin
[19:25] [GoD]Sho> gotta redo my status gg
[19:26] TheAlmightyDoug> do you guys want to do a 2v2 or wait for more?
[19:27] electric_ninja> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtYujyhvIyQ&list=RDIwBCyvBMgjQ&index=2&ab_channel=OLDTAPES
[19:27] electric_ninja> this song is like being on ampfetmin
[19:29] [AvA]aravinth> going to eat in 15mins anyway
[19:29] [GoD]Genkidama out
[19:29] JJaydenn_TSI out
[19:30] TheAlmightyDoug> Fuck it jugg?
[19:30] Riquelme out
[19:30] [god]KPA26> yo lemme in doug
[19:30] [god]KPA26> is w33d there?
[19:30] [god]KPA26> streammmmmmmmmmmm
[19:30] Blitzchen_OP> no
[19:30] Blitzchen_OP> he isnt
[19:31] [god]KPA26> :peped:
[19:31] [GoD]Sho> he went to lose more money on crypto
[19:31] [god]KPA26> not rn pablo
[19:31] [god]KPA26> yo open 1 more spot doug
[19:31] [god]KPA26> 3 v 3
[19:31] [god]KPA26> does this guy know how to host?
[19:31] [GoD]Sho> doughnut
[19:31] TheAlmightyDoug> I was looking at maps you spoon
[19:32] [god]KPA26> spoon?
[19:32] JJaydenn_TSI in
[19:32] [god]KPA26> tf kinda euro gay slang is that
[19:32] electric_ninja> lol i didnt know sho was a spoon
[19:32] [god]KPA26> something prolly jjay knows
[19:32] TheAlmightyDoug> Better than calling you a twat
[19:32] [GoD]Sho> fuk americans :fu:
[19:32] electric_ninja> LOL
[19:32] [god]KPA26> tf y is spoon even an insult
[19:32] electric_ninja> how do you know hes an american?
[19:33] [god]KPA26> shits a must in daily life among the civilized
[19:33] TheAlmightyDoug> It's not meant to be insulting
[19:33] [god]KPA26> fhking euros fhking up our perfect lang
[19:33] TheAlmightyDoug> map guys
[19:33] [god]KPA26> oh
[19:33] [god]KPA26> :mooresy:
[19:33] TheAlmightyDoug> Cba causing drama :'(
[19:33] TheAlmightyDoug> :') *
[19:33] [SW]PabloEscobar> any 1v1?
[19:33] [GoD]Sho> why would u call hima spoon anyway
[19:33] [SW]PabloEscobar> sho join
[19:33] [god]KPA26> cause im cool B)
[19:34] [GoD]Sho> since when a spoon is cool
[19:34] [GoD]Sho> :what:
[19:34] [GoD]Sho> koopa yer shite
[19:34] [GoD]Sho> if u admit it i join
[19:34] [god]KPA26> ??
[19:34] [god]KPA26> we got our 6
[19:34] [GoD]Sho> admit ur shite
[19:34] [god]KPA26> tf we need u for
[19:34] [GoD]Sho> i see 5
[19:34] [god]KPA26> 1 v 1 me
[19:34] [GoD]Sho> u dont count
[19:35] [god]KPA26> ill go 100% on ur ass n stream for nici
[19:35] [GoD]Sho> too bad
[19:35] [god]KPA26> guy head will spin
[19:35] [GoD]Sho> maximum pro hut here
[19:35] [god]KPA26> from my quik precise asf cliks
[19:35] [god]KPA26> it mite be if i was init ;)
[19:35] [god]KPA26> gg rite here tho
[19:35] [GoD]Sho> fuk that
[19:35] [GoD]Sho> that game aint blanaced
[19:35] [GoD]Sho> gimme good players and ill do beta son
[19:36] [GoD]Sho> :rollsafe2:
[19:36] [GoD]Sho> koopa bianca fist w33d join
[19:36] [GoD]Sho> ye w33d
[19:36] [god]KPA26> doug do the 3 v 3
[19:36] [GoD]Sho> did u notice
[19:36] [GoD]Sho> how i put u at the end
[19:36] [GoD]Sho> cos ur shit
[19:36] [AvA]sherminator31 in
[19:36] [GoD]Sho> but join
[19:36] [Rw]Phoenix-> feels like my mouse has changed a bit in beta even tho i applied legacy mouse
[19:36] [god]KPA26> ??
[19:36] [god]KPA26> u put my name up first
[19:36] [GoD]Sho> talkin to w33d idiot
[19:36] [GoD]Sho> looool
[19:36] [god]KPA26> god dam maybe u should stick to cod
[19:37] [GoD]Sho> goddam get glasses
[19:37] [god]KPA26> and dont even bother playing online
[19:37] [GoD]Sho> slow to even read arent ya koopa
[19:37] [god]KPA26> stik to the ai training thing if they still got it
[19:37] [god]KPA26> ??
[19:37] [GoD]Sho> i stik to smashin u 1v1
[19:37] [GoD]Sho> that was fun
[19:37] [GoD]Sho> remember when u cried?
[19:37] [god]KPA26> yo dough
[19:37] [GoD]Sho> :peepopoint:
[19:37] [god]KPA26> thats a 4 v 4 map
[19:37] [god]KPA26> i didnt cry i raged
[19:37] [GoD]Sho> 3v3 sess here
[19:37] [GoD]Sho> lets gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[19:38] [god]KPA26> diffff map doug
[19:38] TheAlmightyDoug> just looking now
[19:38] [AvA]Fistung> in fistiverse mappack there is a map called groundhopper
[19:38] [GoD]Sho> fist royaliste koopa bianca here
[19:38] [god]KPA26> diego wats a gud 3 v3 map :mooresy:
[19:38] Blitzchen_OP> groundhopper but plz without preacher
[19:38] [GoD]Sho> fukin noobs playin shit unbalanced games
[19:38] [GoD]Sho> jesus
[19:39] Blitzchen_OP> and who gives a fuck
[19:39] [GoD]Sho> i do
[19:39] [GoD]Sho> join here
[19:39] [god]KPA26> i take wut i can get
[19:39] [GoD]Sho> lmfao
[19:39] [GoD]Sho> :jedi:
[19:39] [GoD]Sho> i ge tit tho
[19:39] [god]KPA26> if im getting pts u can count on my ass being there
[19:39] [GoD]Sho> koopa playin his level
[19:39] [GoD]Sho> gg
[19:39] Blitzchen_OP> so do i
[19:40] [god]KPA26> yo tf is this map
[19:40] [god]KPA26> ohhh
[19:40] [god]KPA26> this map
[19:40] TheAlmightyDoug> okay i think we're rotated properly
[19:40] TheAlmightyDoug> everyone happy?
[19:40] [GoD]Sho> fuk beta
[19:40] [god]KPA26> sum1 that reads nerd
[19:40] [GoD]Sho> n all these nerds
[19:40] [god]KPA26> double check it
[19:40] [god]KPA26> bianca?
[19:40] Blitzchen_OP> i am not happy today anyway
[19:40] [GoD]Sho> suk it losers
[19:40] Blitzchen_OP> just go
[19:40] [GoD]Sho> im doin pp 2v2 now
[19:40] [god]KPA26> :pepenerd:
[19:41] [GoD]Sho> +2 pp
[19:41] [GoD]Sho> no beta bs
[19:41] [GoD]Sho> karam loot ara nici join
[19:41] [GoD]Sho> karma *
[19:41] [GoD]Sho> POP
[19:41] [GoD]Sho> PP *
[19:42] electric_ninja> k i have learned enough time to play ps5
[19:42] electric_ninja> elden ring
[19:42] electric_ninja> the one of the hardest games in town
[19:52] [AvA]Arc in
[19:52] [AvA]Arc> hey pop peep
[19:52] [AvA]Arc> s
[19:54] [AvA]Empath out
[19:58] [AvA]Empath in
[20:00] [AvA]Empath out
[20:04] [god]KPA26> :peped:
[20:04] Blitzchen_OP> gg
[20:04] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Hey Arc
[20:04] TheAlmightyDoug> ggwp
[20:04] [AvA]Fistung> gg
[20:04] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> wow, game was closer than I thought
[20:04] TheAlmightyDoug> It really wasn't close :')
[20:04] TheAlmightyDoug> we barely touched you
[20:04] [AvA]Arc> hi AvAs
[20:04] royaliste> nah
[20:05] [god]KPA26> 2 eqs all i need ;)
[20:05] TheAlmightyDoug> I had full spells and couldn't get in to use them
[20:05] [AvA]Arc> sure, gimme a sec...
[20:05] [god]KPA26> call me 2eqkoopa from now on
[20:05] [god]KPA26> all i need to pwn
[20:05] [god]KPA26> ;)
[20:05] Blitzchen_OP> i call you 2oldforpro now
[20:05] [god]KPA26> :mad:
[20:05] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Well, I mean pop-wise, Doug
[20:06] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> was nearly dead even, which is suprising how hard we were pushing
[20:06] royaliste> we losing that for sure
[20:06] amnesia in
[20:06] [god]KPA26> man u should be kissing my feet for that shit
[20:06] [god]KPA26> had them nasty ass tower placements
[20:06] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Koopa, shut up
[20:06] Blitzchen_OP> me?
[20:06] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> you barely did 2 eqs
[20:06] Blitzchen_OP> i wont kiss your feet
[20:06] [god]KPA26> both yall
[20:06] royaliste> dont want to waste 30 min again for this joke
[20:06] [god]KPA26> i got 2 feet
[20:06] [GoD]Hakai in
[20:06] [god]KPA26> one for u toruk n the other for bianca
[20:06] [god]KPA26> tf u mean
[20:06] Blitzchen_OP> go talk like that to your nurse
[20:06] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Koopa, Bianca and I put more effort into that game than you did, you should be thanking us.
[20:06] Blitzchen_OP> ^^
[20:06] [god]KPA26> :mooresy:
[20:07] [god]KPA26> woahhh fist royal
[20:07] Blitzchen_OP> 2 huts restricted
[20:07] Blitzchen_OP> ouch
[20:07] [god]KPA26> how nasty were my towers
[20:07] [god]KPA26> kinda pissed when 1 eq knocked out my 5 towers tho
[20:07] [AvA]Mibbel in
[20:08] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Hey Mibbel
[20:08] [GoD]Hakai out
[20:08] TheAlmightyDoug> tbh that game was let down by me not being able to do any damage and not having enough troops out royal and fist did well
[20:08] royaliste> nah
[20:08] royaliste> my pop was shit
[20:08] [AvA]Arc> gimme a sec...sorry
[20:08] [AvA]Arc> 2 mins
[20:08] royaliste> and im getting rekt
[20:08] TheAlmightyDoug> I wanted to make you both more land but then saw one of us was already on it
[20:08] [god]KPA26> next time copy my aggro tower placements
[20:08] royaliste> and i lose every duel
[20:08] TheAlmightyDoug> you*
[20:08] [god]KPA26> they make all the diff
[20:08] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> royaliste, you had the highest pop, what are you talking about?
[20:09] royaliste> this is so shit
[20:09] Luxray out
[20:09] [god]KPA26> :rbicep:
[20:09] [god]KPA26> :bicepr:
[20:09] royaliste> not enough pop at all
[20:09] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> :fail:
[20:09] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> how is the highest pop not enough?
[20:09] [god]KPA26> :r_bicep:
[20:10] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> you and Doug had great pop, you just needed to push harder
[20:10] [god]KPA26> :rbicecps:
[20:10] [AvA]Arc> ok cool
[20:10] TheAlmightyDoug> I had a plan to get in but didn't get chance to try it :')
[20:10] [god]KPA26> :rbiceps:
[20:10] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> :rbicept:
[20:10] [AvA]Mibbel> teams?
[20:10] TheAlmightyDoug> got knocked into the water by a lone fw twice was so annoying
[20:10] royaliste> it's too slow for me
[20:11] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> do best mibbel
[20:11] royaliste> i should get better pop but i cant
[20:11] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> which i guess is tvb
[20:11] royaliste> and i lose every duels ofc
[20:11] royaliste> and lost half my base
[20:11] [AvA]Mibbel> ok ready?
[20:11] [AvA]Unhostable in
[20:11] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> royaliste, stop putting yourself down
[20:11] [god]KPA26> HOLY FHK
[20:11] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> you're better than half the ppl in here
[20:11] [god]KPA26> TOP 10 RANKING AGAIN
[20:11] [god]KPA26> woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[20:11] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> hey Brandy
[20:11] [god]KPA26> :clap:
[20:12] [god]KPA26> 1 more n guess wut ;)
[20:12] [AvA]Arc> i am ready
[20:12] [AvA]Arc> point is, I turned up
[20:12] royaliste> I just did shit
[20:12] [AvA]Unhostable> hi toruk
[20:12] [AvA]Unhostable> hi guys :)
[20:12] [god]KPA26> theres only so much u could do
[20:12] royaliste> as always lol
[20:12] [AvA]Arc> hey AvAs
[20:12] [god]KPA26> against my towers
[20:12] [god]KPA26> dont be too hard one urself brah
[20:12] [AvA]Mibbel out
[20:12] [AvA]Mibbel in
[20:13] [D]O-Zone out
[20:13] [god]KPA26> yo mibbel lemme in
[20:13] [god]KPA26> i gots pts to stak
[20:13] [god]KPA26> :peped:
[20:13] [AvA]Arc> sess 6p?
[20:14] [AvA]Mibbel> ok
[20:15] [D]Cockroach out
[20:16] [SW]bardhi in
[20:16] [SW]bardhi out
[20:16] [SW]bardhi in
[20:20] [SW]bardhi out
[20:28] [D]Cockroach in
[20:28] bioSound in
[20:28] [GoD]Sho out
[20:30] TheAlmightyDoug out
[20:33] [GoD]Sho in
[20:33] [AvA]sherminator31 out
[20:38] [GoD]Sho> should of bded long ago
[20:38] [GoD]Sho> lmao
[20:38] [GoD]Sho> cba with ur tower spam
[20:38] royaliste out
[20:38] TheAlmightyDoug in
[20:41] amnesia> host
[20:41] Minibot_UK> amnesia: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[20:41] amnesia> blast
[20:41] Minibot_UK> amnesia: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[20:41] amnesia> launch
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Glitter Worlds (1.1)
amnesia - MapPack: OK
Nsk - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Yellow (Watcher) - amnesia: Blue - Nsk: Red * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
[20:43] [D]inobeemon> gonna cry?
[20:43] [GoD]Sho> brb eat
[20:43] bioSound out
[20:44] [SW]bardhi in
[20:44] [SW]bardhi out
Game successfully checked in.
[20:44] [SW]bardhi in
[20:44] [D]Cockroach> yes
[20:45] TheAlmightyDoug out
[20:47] [GoD]Sho> well nvm
[20:47] [GoD]Sho> i'll eat later
[20:48] adray_tsi out
[20:50] Blitzchen_OP> dude it fucking was over
[20:50] [SW]PabloEscobar out
[20:50] [AvA]Arc> was just warming up
[20:51] Blitzchen_OP> ill not watch you not blast shaman standing next to you guys for the next 20 min
[20:51] [AvA]Arc> had fs and was gonna make a difference
[20:51] Blitzchen_OP> lmfao
[20:51] Blitzchen_OP> kk
[20:51] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Well Bianca, you had the highest pop
[20:51] Blitzchen_OP> ye but if you dont push up troops
[20:51] Blitzchen_OP> which i fucking told you to do
[20:51] Blitzchen_OP> i cannot
[20:51] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I pushed up troops, they all died in fs
[20:52] Blitzchen_OP> nvm ill
[20:52] [AvA]Arc> ok... true so I sent all fws forward and then they died in fs....
[20:52] Blitzchen_OP> not do that
[20:52] Blitzchen_OP> gg wp team
[20:52] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> only so much you can do against fs spam
[20:52] [AvA]Arc> fist and kpa plus mibs lights...
[20:52] [AvA]Arc> it was a tough gig
[20:52] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I thought we were doing pretty well, tbh
Game results submitted.
[20:53] [AvA]Arc> blue base sucks...
[20:53] [AvA]Arc> trees all in wrong places
[20:53] Nsk out
[20:53] amnesia out
[20:53] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Arc, you were host, you could have rotated
[20:53] Nsk in
[20:53] [AvA]Arc> yeah....
[20:53] [god]KPA26> :rbiceps:
[20:53] [AvA]Arc> i will from now on lol
[20:54] amnesia in
[20:54] [god]KPA26> hmm tf +1 pt for that?
[20:54] [god]KPA26> well 1 pt closer to shammy rank :hypers:
[20:54] [god]KPA26> :blue:
[20:55] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> You'll never get there, Koopa
[20:55] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> you ally too many noobs
[20:55] [god]KPA26> nah carrying it my speciality
[20:55] [god]KPA26> werent ya even paying attention
[20:55] [god]KPA26> was heavy carrying that game
[20:55] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> then you blame your allies when you lose :kekw:
[20:55] Animacion_OP out
[20:56] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I don't think Fist and Mibbel would agree that you carried them
[20:56] [AvA]Arc> fist had higher pop than kpa for 99.9% of the game
[20:56] [god]KPA26> im only 1 man with 2 hands behind a comp
[20:56] [god]KPA26> can only do so much with shit allies
[20:57] [god]KPA26> :pepecry:
[20:57] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Fist also did more damage than Koopa
[20:57] [god]KPA26> like that last game??
[20:57] [god]KPA26> stats aint everything brah
[20:57] [god]KPA26> 2 eqs n i won the game
[20:58] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> you didn't win the game, your team did
[20:58] [god]KPA26> its about position towers
[20:58] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> stop taking credit for everything
[20:58] [god]KPA26> i won that shit
[20:58] [god]KPA26> weird
[20:58] [AvA]Arc> fists fs in Blitz base won the game
[20:58] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> There is no I in team, Koopa
[20:58] [god]KPA26> im on a streak brah
[20:59] [god]KPA26> u gonna give my team cred for my streak brah
[20:59] [god]KPA26> delusionalllll
[20:59] [god]KPA26> :peped:
[20:59] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> you are part of your team, you share the credit
[20:59] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> 33%
[20:59] r3tr0 out
[20:59] [god]KPA26> fine 60% 20% 20%
[20:59] [AvA]Unhostable out
[20:59] Blitzchen_OP> at least he can count
[20:59] [AvA]Arc> giving
[20:59] [god]KPA26> :angreyturtle:
[20:59] [AvA]Unhostable in
[21:00] [god]KPA26> :angeryturtle:
[21:00] [god]KPA26> ull look like a fool once i get that sik blue shammy rank toruk
[21:00] [god]KPA26> all i gotta say ;)
[21:00] [god]KPA26> :kiss:
[21:00] [AvA]Arc> map?
[21:01] [god]KPA26> do i good map brah
[21:01] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> no walls
[21:01] [AvA]Arc> do a good team talk brah
[21:02] [AvA]Arc> 6 way ok?
[21:02] [AvA]Arc> or want G&T?
[21:03] [AvA]Arc> guys...brb shaking the snake
[21:03] [SW]PabloEscobar in
[21:03] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> so he's either pissing or jerking off?
[21:06] [AvA]Arc> back
[21:07] [AvA]Arc> lol normally it means im just pissing
[21:07] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> was half kidding
[21:07] [AvA]Arc> but in mm, everyone is jerking off every 5 mins before each game etc
[21:07] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> lol
[21:07] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> true
[21:07] [AvA]Arc> it the comments are true
[21:08] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I'm okay with 6way
[21:09] [AvA]Arc> ok +1
[21:10] [AvA]aravinth> jjay wth
[21:10] JJaydenn_TSI> shut up lol
[21:10] [AvA]aravinth> did you see shogun sending 20 wars no thought soi
[21:10] [AvA]aravinth> tunnel vision
[21:10] JJaydenn_TSI> wow warriors man
[21:10] JJaydenn_TSI> :clap:
[21:10] [GoD]Sho> .lol:
[21:10] [AvA]aravinth> yes warriors
[21:10] [GoD]Sho> :lol:
[21:11] JJaydenn_TSI> guy acts like he can handle warriors but uses that as an excuse to why the game was lost lmao
[21:11] JJaydenn_TSI> what a dick head
[21:11] [AvA]aravinth> no
[21:11] [AvA]aravinth> wondering what you were doing
[21:11] [AvA]aravinth> while he sent me warriors lol
[21:12] [AvA]Arc> gotta loo out for your ally
[21:12] [AvA]Arc> *look
[21:12] [god]KPA26> do 8p
[21:12] [god]KPA26> arc
[21:12] [AvA]aravinth> rematch Ihost now :
[21:13] JJaydenn_TSI> u was getting analed all game by spin the warriors really didnt matter
[21:13] [AvA]Arc> who wants to join to make 8p?
[21:13] [AvA]aravinth> we were same pop lol
[21:13] [AvA]Arc> else i make 8p and noone joins
[21:13] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> don't chance it, Arc
[21:13] [god]KPA26> jjay got owned by diego :lol:
[21:13] JJaydenn_TSI> u was 50 pop under him all game lol
[21:13] [god]KPA26> :topkek:
[21:13] [AvA]Arc> map?
[21:13] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> support team
[21:13] [AvA]aravinth> you gotta wear your glasse
[21:13] [god]KPA26> fhking scrub ass dood
[21:13] [AvA]aravinth> I got behind only when he send 20 war
[21:13] [AvA]aravinth> that's why spin got in my base to begin with
[21:14] JJaydenn_TSI> he didnt even get in my base koopa was spin but nice try bud still mad he owned u in 1v1 it seems
[21:14] [AvA]aravinth> hence tunnel vision
[21:14] [god]KPA26> u just lost all ur shit talkin priviledges
[21:14] [GoD]Sho> why would u talk when i raped 1 v1 koopa
[21:14] Blitzchen_OP> brandy take my spot
[21:14] [god]KPA26> about me losing to diego jjay
[21:14] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Spin and Ara back bases
[21:14] [GoD]Sho> u 1v1 *
[21:14] [god]KPA26> get rekt boi
[21:14] [GoD]Sho> loool
[21:14] [AvA]Unhostable> lol no bianca join
[21:14] [AvA]Unhostable> i go for wotg
[21:14] [GoD]Sho> ppl spams lots of towers on pp
[21:14] [GoD]Sho> gets annoying at a point
[21:14] [god]KPA26> :thonk:
[21:15] [AvA]Arc> yes ill put shaman bak bases
[21:15] JJaydenn_TSI> hate green man have to spend half the game eqing the dumb towers if u want defence bk up
[21:15] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> it ain't easy being green
[21:15] [AvA]aravinth> just make 1 lb
[21:15] [AvA]aravinth> and you good
[21:16] [GoD]Sho> had fs n shits
[21:16] [AvA]aravinth> fair enough jjay
[21:16] [GoD]Sho> but since spin decided to double u i went to ara
[21:16] [GoD]Sho> lol
[21:16] [AvA]aravinth> I wasn't lying about lag though
[21:16] [AvA]aravinth> snif
[21:16] [AvA]Unhostable> now you lost your spot bianca :/
[21:16] [GoD]Sho> had his fw hut then sent another 30 warrs
[21:16] [AvA]Arc> 1 min sorry...
[21:16] [GoD]Sho> but u guys left the game :lol:
[21:16] [GoD]Sho> was gg tho
[21:17] JJaydenn_TSI> not really was boring
[21:17] JJaydenn_TSI> ally consant crying in call outs cos he cant handle his opponent
[21:17] [GoD]Sho> even got his shaman at mid with an aim
[21:17] [GoD]Sho> was good warr moment
[21:17] [AvA]Arc> ok that took some working out but its done
[21:17] [god]KPA26> sec lemme relog
[21:17] [god]KPA26 out
[21:17] [GoD]Sho> well his opponent was spin tho :pogcorn:
[21:18] [god]KPA26 in
[21:18] [god]KPA26> top dawg fw
[21:18] [god]KPA26> :pepedance:
[21:18] JJaydenn_TSI> spin was untouched whole game
[21:18] [GoD]Sho> everyone had marvelous ping, dunno why ara lagged, the issue was probs on his side
[21:18] JJaydenn_TSI> even when he came to my base still 0 damage
[21:18] [GoD]Sho> no1 else was lagging
[21:18] JJaydenn_TSI> guy trolls when he allys me
[21:18] JJaydenn_TSI> plays like a downie
[21:18] [GoD]Sho> loll
[21:22] [Rw]Macca in
[21:22] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[21:23] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> fucking hell
[21:23] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> always someone
[21:23] [AvA]Arc> doh
[21:23] [GoD]Sho> :pogcorn:
[21:23] [AvA]Arc> try again or lost heart now?
[21:23] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[21:23] [AvA]Arc> what happened?
[21:23] [AvA]Arc> crash?
[21:24] JJaydenn_TSI> spin saw teams and thought fk that
[21:24] JJaydenn_TSI> alt f4
[21:24] [god]KPA26> DIFF MAP MAYBE?
[21:24] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> lol
[21:24] [GoD]Sho> :wow:
[21:24] [GoD]Spinnifix> yes
[21:24] [GoD]Sho> spin dis truah ?
[21:24] [GoD]Sho> nais
[21:24] [GoD]Sho> smart move
[21:24] [god]KPA26> yggdratom
[21:24] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> you got a problem with my map, Koopa?
[21:24] [god]KPA26> YGGDRATOMMM
[21:24] [AvA]aravinth> yes
[21:24] [god]KPA26> B)
[21:24] [GoD]Sho> :cooldoge:
[21:26] Frizart_TSI in
[21:26] [SW]bardhi out
[21:28] [GoD]Hakai in
[21:31] Riquelme in
[21:31] amnesia> host
[21:31] Minibot_UK> amnesia: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[21:32] Minibot_UK> amnesia: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[21:32] amnesia> blast
[21:32] amnesia> launch
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Glitter Worlds (1.1)
amnesia - MapPack: OK
Nsk - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Yellow (Watcher) - amnesia: Blue - Nsk: Red * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
Game successfully created in database.
[21:34] boss-of-all in
Game successfully checked in.
[21:40] amnesia> mashallah
Game results submitted.
[21:40] amnesia> espece d arabe
[21:41] Nsk> lol
[21:43] JJaydenn_TSI> troll koopa ill just quit idgaf about points like u lol
[21:43] Blitzchen_OP> tbf koopa was small base
[21:43] Blitzchen_OP> and arcs expanding wasnt
[21:43] Blitzchen_OP> lets say the greatest
[21:44] JJaydenn_TSI> both of them are at my side twice and what are they doing, nothing apart from running after them like idiots lol
[21:45] Blitzchen_OP> what do you expect. arc as big base facing ara
[21:45] Blitzchen_OP> xd
[21:45] Riquelme out
[21:45] JJaydenn_TSI> tork just 24/7 dying aswell leaving me to 1v2 and 1v4 at 1 point lol shit allys
[21:45] Blitzchen_OP> lol
[21:45] JJaydenn_TSI> even mibble kept his shaman alive to 1v2 me
[21:46] Blitzchen_OP> i am surprised they still play
[21:46] JJaydenn_TSI> tork just throws the shittest eq then dies like wtf
[21:46] Blitzchen_OP> i would have alt f4ed after arcs second lb
[21:46] Blitzchen_OP> to mid
[21:46] Blitzchen_OP> to stone head
[21:46] JJaydenn_TSI> i should of just surrendered when i saw koopa small base lol
[21:46] Blitzchen_OP> xd
[21:46] JJaydenn_TSI> guy trolled as small base last time
[21:47] Blitzchen_OP> ye but whats he supposed to do
[21:47] Blitzchen_OP> dont think he was high on pop and mana
[21:47] JJaydenn_TSI> attack them tf u mean what he gotta do lol
[21:47] Blitzchen_OP> with what?
[21:47] Blitzchen_OP> lol
[21:47] [god]KPA26> dude i was small b ase u retard
[21:47] [GoD]Sho> lmao
[21:47] boss-of-all> +2
[21:47] [GoD]Sho> that was shit game
[21:48] JJaydenn_TSI> same with arc they was just running after wherever they was going
[21:48] Blitzchen_OP> XD
[21:48] JJaydenn_TSI> like complete idiots
[21:48] [god]KPA26> blame arc for fhkin putting him there
[21:48] boss-of-all> and it starts....
[21:48] [GoD]Sho> fuk was arc as big base, a joke? loool
[21:48] [GoD]Sho> and vs ara
[21:48] [GoD]Sho> get fuked
[21:48] Blitzchen_OP> and karma xd
[21:48] [GoD]Sho> :joy:
[21:48] Blitzchen_OP> when i have seen that i knew its gg
[21:48] [GoD]Sho> didnt say karma cos well arc had koopa
[21:48] Blitzchen_OP> did see that*
[21:48] [GoD]Sho> but arc vs ara wtf
[21:48] Blitzchen_OP> still
[21:48] Blitzchen_OP> ara expanded better than arc
[21:48] [god]KPA26> sum1 dispute that
[21:48] Blitzchen_OP> so ofc karma can do more
[21:49] [AvA]aravinth> :kekw:
[21:49] [god]KPA26> i aint losing those fhking pts
[21:49] [GoD]Sho> well i actually feel bad for arc
[21:49] [GoD]Sho> he had shit ally
[21:49] [GoD]Sho> :lmao:
[21:49] JJaydenn_TSI> yes u are koopa ill make sure u do
[21:49] [AvA]Arc> lol
[21:49] JJaydenn_TSI> fking noob
[21:49] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Thanks a lot, Sho
[21:49] [GoD]Sho> agreed jay
[21:49] [GoD]Sho> koopa bad
[21:49] JJaydenn_TSI> i was fine asf still had 150 pop but not allying koopa when he is playing like there is a pair of tits on the other team
[21:49] [god]KPA26> ill 1 v 1 any u fhkers
[21:50] JJaydenn_TSI> desprate fag man
[21:50] [GoD]Sho> toruk wut u sayin
[21:50] [GoD]Sho> i was talkin bout koopa
[21:50] [AvA]aravinth> well he coudln't do much
[21:50] [GoD]Sho> nothing to do with u brah
[21:50] [AvA]aravinth> he was back base
[21:50] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Koopa had small base, so he was useless
[21:50] boss-of-all> Looking for a game..
[21:50] [GoD]Sho> uselsss dam,
[21:50] [god]KPA26> tf/
[21:50] Blitzchen_OP> ye i wanna see jjay as small base behind arc
[21:50] [GoD]Sho> big base was on better hands than koopa's tbh
[21:50] [GoD]Sho> arc's hands
[21:50] Frizart_TSI> Frizart_TSI + [AvA]aravinth + [AvA]Arc vs. [AvA]Toruk_Makto + [GoD]Spinnifix + [AvA]Fistung
[21:50] [GoD]Sho> :thumbsup:
[21:50] [god]KPA26> jjay woulda quitt instantly
[21:50] [rw]karma> make koopa and jay vs me and ara
[21:50] [god]KPA26> and if u didnt quit jjay u idiot
[21:50] [god]KPA26> i would gotten control of mid
[21:51] [god]KPA26> and been able to defend for arc
[21:51] [AvA]Arc> can I be frank here, yeah i made a mistake about bases
[21:51] [AvA]Arc> but
[21:51] [god]KPA26> but nooooo u quit like a complete tard
[21:51] [AvA]Arc> the way you go on about it is shit
[21:51] [GoD]Sho> ye say it arc
[21:51] [AvA]Arc> "retard"
[21:51] JJaydenn_TSI> i told u ill quit if ur trolling ur fault lol
[21:51] [GoD]Sho> say it
[21:51] [AvA]Arc> jeez
[21:51] [GoD]Sho> nono, dont hold urself
[21:51] [AvA]aravinth> I knew
[21:51] [AvA]Arc> its no way to inspire a team mate
[21:51] [GoD]Sho> say what u think brah
[21:51] JJaydenn_TSI> cos idgaf about points like u koopa
[21:51] [AvA]Arc> useless
[21:51] [AvA]aravinth> jjay was going to quit
[21:51] [god]KPA26> wtf u wantt me to do
[21:51] [GoD]Sho> yes
[21:51] [AvA]aravinth> wasn't even trying to dmg him
[21:51] [GoD]Sho> useless
[21:51] JJaydenn_TSI> so troll allied 2 me ill quit simple
[21:51] [GoD]Sho> dam
[21:51] [god]KPA26> i had to defend for arc u dumb fhk
[21:51] [god]KPA26> chek his pop
[21:51] [AvA]aravinth> yeah koopa is right
[21:51] [GoD]Sho> koopa ye shite :lol3d:
[21:52] [GoD]Sho> yer*
[21:52] JJaydenn_TSI> then dont agree to play small base vs ara are u fucking dumb or what
[21:52] [god]KPA26> all u had to do was camp
[21:52] [god]KPA26> 1-2 rounds
[21:52] JJaydenn_TSI> fat fucking american
[21:52] [GoD]Sho> i say jjay vs koopa 1v1 man
[21:52] [GoD]Sho> would be worth some popcorns
[21:52] [god]KPA26> n bam i woulda smashed karma n ara 1 v 2
[21:52] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> JJaydenn_TSI> then dont agree to play small base vs ara are u fucking dumb or what
[21:52] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> JJ got a point
[21:52] [rw]karma> lol
[21:52] [god]KPA26> way to blow these ez ass pts
[21:52] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> we coulda allied and started over
[21:52] JJaydenn_TSI> guys like yeah arc vs ara big bases is totally fine
[21:52] JJaydenn_TSI> what a idiot
[21:52] [AvA]aravinth> true I didn't know how arc played tbh
[21:53] [god]KPA26> ur a delusional fhk aint ya
[21:53] [GoD]Sho> best part is arc is older player than all of us :lol:
[21:53] [rw]karma> me/ara vs jay/koopa and mibbel/fistung vs toruk/arc
[21:53] [god]KPA26> yo lemmein
[21:53] JJaydenn_TSI> arc cant play pp
[21:53] [god]KPA26> sum1 give me their spot
[21:53] JJaydenn_TSI> and he puts himself big base wtf lol
[21:53] Frizart_TSI> map ?
[21:53] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> there koopa
[21:53] [AvA]aravinth> well deserved points after my lost against pablo :kekw:
[21:53] Frizart_TSI> Frizart_TSI + [AvA]aravinth + JJaydenn_TSI + [GoD]Hakai vs. [rw]karma + [GoD]Spinnifix + [AvA]Arc + [AvA]Fistung
[21:53] [AvA]Arc> i didnt know i had to worship tbh, cuz noone lets me be big base
[21:53] [god]KPA26> yo lemme in
[21:53] [AvA]Arc> but now I know
[21:53] [god]KPA26> :peped:
[21:53] JJaydenn_TSI> hell ye no koopas
[21:53] Frizart_TSI> who front and back ?
[21:53] [GoD]Sho> with arc as big base that wasnt a game, that was a pts giveaway:lmao:
[21:54] [GoD]Hakai> im front
[21:54] [AvA]aravinth> yeah I thought you wanted to play something different only one way to learn
[21:54] [god]KPA26> them teams r whak
[21:54] [AvA]aravinth> it's better to pray right away instead of converting
[21:54] [god]KPA26> lemme in
[21:54] Frizart_TSI> kpa
[21:54] Frizart_TSI> open yees
[21:54] [AvA]aravinth> I was being nice otherwise could of eqed you before you would even have finished to pray lol
[21:54] [GoD]Sho> tbh thats what u guys get for playin with low ranked ones, like, wtf do u expect, a pro game? lmao
[21:54] Frizart_TSI> eyes
[21:54] Frizart_TSI> we are full
[21:54] [AvA]Arc> yep, I soaked up some damage but was recovering well
[21:54] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I gave up my spot for you, Koopa
[21:54] [SW]bardhi in
[21:54] [GoD]Spinnifix> diff teams
[21:54] [AvA]Arc> looked over at JJay base, he was dead
[21:54] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> not my fault someone else took it
[21:54] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> :kekw:
[21:54] [god]KPA26> :pepejam:
[21:54] Frizart_TSI> why ppl join
[21:54] Frizart_TSI> and left
[21:55] Frizart_TSI> when the hut is full
[21:55] Blitzchen_OP> cuz its the mm
[21:55] JJaydenn_TSI> i was dead arc what was u seeing? i had 150 pop full base still lool
[21:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> not this teammms
[21:55] Blitzchen_OP> watch me do the same :kek:
[21:55] JJaydenn_TSI> just not allying a shitter like u who cant play pp
[21:55] Frizart_TSI> we can cahnge team if u want spin
[21:55] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Koopa wanted a spot, so I gave him mine
[21:55] Frizart_TSI> just ask me (:
[21:55] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> he didn't want
[21:55] [AvA]Arc> so JJay you quit with full base?
[21:55] [AvA]Arc> why didnt you try to take mid?
[21:55] boss-of-all out
[21:55] [rw]karma> jay knew it was over
[21:55] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> JJ was getting tripled
[21:55] [GoD]Spinnifix> join here
[21:55] JJaydenn_TSI> i told u if koopa trolls im quitting lol
[21:55] [rw]karma> made it quicker
[21:55] JJaydenn_TSI> i was getting 1v4 tork
[21:56] Frizart_TSI> spin
[21:56] JJaydenn_TSI> still 150 pop cos im a beast
[21:56] Frizart_TSI> host
[21:56] JJaydenn_TSI> but not allying dick heads
[21:56] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> If Koopa was big base, would have been a different game
[21:56] [GoD]Sho> dude im not blaming arc, but he wasnt ready to take big base's responsibility, that game was pointless lolll
[21:56] [GoD]Sho> imma eat sumthing then i'll play spin
[21:56] [GoD]Sho> that looks like a good hut tho
[21:56] [GoD]Sho> hf
[21:57] JJaydenn_TSI> next time dont think ur balls are so big arc and stick to ur small base
[21:57] [AvA]Arc> all it means is we need to practice me at yggdratom
[21:57] [rw]karma> arc respected koopas wish who always wants small base
[21:57] JJaydenn_TSI> dude ur scared to even play pp 2v2s how are u going to get better
[21:57] JJaydenn_TSI> thans goes with tork and other ava guys
[21:57] JJaydenn_TSI> all scared to play the skilled maps
[21:58] JJaydenn_TSI> and wonder why they suck
[21:58] [AvA]Arc> i knew i was on the evil team lol
[21:58] JJaydenn_TSI> playing shit maps all time like sess or 8p
[21:58] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> It's okay that we suck, JJ. We got ara :D
[21:58] JJaydenn_TSI> fist is decent pp ill give him that
[21:58] [AvA]aravinth> jjay
[21:58] [AvA]aravinth> stop being salty
[21:58] JJaydenn_TSI> but most ava guys scared to play skilled maps lol
[21:58] [AvA]Arc> who?
[21:58] JJaydenn_TSI> nothing to be salty about ara
[21:59] JJaydenn_TSI> just stating facts
[21:59] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I'm not scared, I'll play pp if I have to, but everyone got preferences
[21:59] [AvA]aravinth> and learn to use troops
[21:59] [rw]karma> competiivness died with beta because theres no self accountability anymore. in 4vs4 you just spread responsibility with everyone
[21:59] [rw]karma> isnt like that in 2vs2
[21:59] [AvA]Arc> it amazes me how much people think they need to give respect to ranks
[21:59] [AvA]aravinth> othrewise you won't win again me and spin 2v1 :kekw:
[21:59] [AvA]aravinth> you have good defense
[21:59] [AvA]aravinth> get better at trooping with wars
[21:59] [AvA]aravinth> dont' do hollow fields it's horrible
[22:00] JJaydenn_TSI> id slap u and spin 1v2 if u didnt cheat and build in other land lol
[22:00] [GoD]Spinnifix> [GoD]Spinnifix + Frizart_TSI + [rw]karma vs. [AvA]aravinth + JJaydenn_TSI + [GoD]Hakai
[22:00] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> call it Horrible Fields :P
[22:00] [AvA]aravinth> do groundhopper or w/e it's called
[22:00] JJaydenn_TSI> and i can use troops better than u ara
[22:00] [AvA]Mibbel out
[22:00] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> JJ, if you could troop better than ara, you'd be the shaman, not him
[22:00] [AvA]aravinth> are we really going to play
[22:00] [AvA]aravinth> his horrible map
[22:01] JJaydenn_TSI> tork judging skill from points :kekw:
[22:01] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> don't think we'll get 8, Arc
[22:02] [AvA]Arc> brb getting a coffee
[22:02] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Koopa, come play with us and get your points back
[22:02] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Bianca too
[22:03] Blitzchen_OP> i dont have the nerves for this sorry
[22:04] [AvA]Arc> it's hard to face Aravinth on pp
[22:05] [AvA]Arc> but its even harder when you are on the evil team
[22:05] [AvA]Arc> and the language is negative
[22:05] [AvA]Arc> what map guys?
[22:05] Blitzchen_OP> 6way :clap:
[22:06] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> we need 3 more
[22:06] [AvA]Arc> you are not in the hut?! lol hop in and you get a say
[22:06] Blitzchen_OP> nah man lol
[22:06] [AvA]Fistung> me and mibbel where faving jay and toruk
[22:06] [AvA]Fistung> facing
[22:07] [AvA]Fistung> but mibbel did a great job holding the front
[22:07] Blitzchen_OP> ye i have seen how you were told to just camp xd
[22:07] [AvA]Fistung> but we werent
[22:07] Blitzchen_OP> ye you werent
[22:07] [AvA]Fistung> like gladiators we took the fight
[22:07] Blitzchen_OP> lol
[22:07] [AvA]Fistung> and won against the ways stronger jjay+ T combo
[22:08] [AvA]Arc> one thing for sure, you have to control mid if you want to take the lead in that map
[22:08] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Mid is important, but it's not the end-all
[22:08] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> same with FO
[22:08] [AvA]Arc> I was the only one on my team attempting to take mid
[22:08] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> one side or bd can be a game-changer
[22:08] [AvA]Fistung> usually players are suposed to fight for the stonehead
[22:09] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> no one fights for stoneheads anymore :(
[22:09] [AvA]Arc> but if you control mid, you can attack any base easy from mid
[22:09] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> it definitely gives you an advantage, Arc.
[22:09] [AvA]Arc> early game
[22:10] [AvA]Arc> i battled with Ara for mid, almost had it but then I had some bad luck and a 2 v 3 attack
[22:11] [SW]PabloEscobar out
[22:12] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> yeah, putting yourself front base made you a target, and they took advantage
[22:12] [AvA]Arc> still, had I been at the back, kpa would say i was rubbish from there too, so no wins
[22:12] [AvA]Arc> woulda been better if me n jj swapped
[22:13] [AvA]Arc> Think Ara and Fist Karma and Mibbel would still win tho
[22:13] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> you still would have been the weakest player on front base, so you'd probably still be tripled
[22:14] [AvA]Arc> yeah but I would have stupid arse comments all the time which put me off. lol
[22:15] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> JJ did awesome and would have easily finished off red and pink, if he hadn't been tripled. My pathfinding to the front was fucked, and I died too often, or I would have helped more
[22:15] [AvA]Arc> making a smooth path for a shaman is crucial
[22:16] [AvA]Arc> I think i spend a little too much sorting paths out but I am raely standing trapped... soo
[22:17] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> well guys, dinner's in the oven, and looks like no game :(
[22:17] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> Koopa and B won't join
[22:17] Blitzchen_OP> credits to arc tho for playing that game
[22:17] [god]KPA26> lamaoooo
[22:17] [AvA]Arc> thx
[22:19] [god]KPA26> huh wut
[22:19] [god]KPA26> sec
[22:19] [SW]ShadowRealms in
[22:19] [god]KPA26> fensalir?
[22:19] Blitzchen_OP> can do
[22:19] [AvA]Arc> sure
[22:20] [SW]bardhi out
[22:21] [god]KPA26> kk
[22:21] [god]KPA26> rdy?
[22:21] Blitzchen_OP> this guy
[22:21] Blitzchen_OP> just go man
[22:21] [AvA]Arc> yep
[22:21] [god]KPA26> ye dc
[22:21] [god]KPA26> haha jjay losing
[22:21] [god]KPA26> :kek:
[22:22] [god]KPA26 out
[22:22] [god]KPA26 in
[22:22] [AvA]Arc> pings look decent now
[22:22] Blitzchen_OP> koopa wtf
[22:22] Blitzchen_OP> noob host
[22:22] [god]KPA26> lmao
[22:22] [god]KPA26> man shit was launching so slow
[22:22] [god]KPA26> not my fautl
[22:22] [god]KPA26> bye toruk
[22:23] [god]KPA26> we geting a game
[22:23] [god]KPA26> :>
[22:23] [SW]bardhi in
[22:23] [god]KPA26> :peepopoint:
[22:23] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I'm glad, Koopa
[22:23] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> have fun
[22:23] [god]KPA26> fhk u tooooooo
[22:23] [god]KPA26> :fu:
[22:23] [god]KPA26> oh wtf
[22:23] Blitzchen_OP> are we going to launch today?
[22:24] Blitzchen_OP> this guy
[22:24] [AvA]Arc> never connected
[22:24] [god]KPA26> cmon over here
[22:25] [god]KPA26> nuff fhking around guys
[22:25] [AvA]aravinth> are you even serious
[22:25] [god]KPA26> jjay lost
[22:25] [AvA]aravinth> you guys
[22:25] [AvA]Arc> you on windows xp kpa?
[22:25] [AvA]aravinth> going
[22:25] [god]KPA26> :lol:
[22:25] [AvA]aravinth> thje long way
[22:25] [god]KPA26> :lol3d:
[22:25] [AvA]aravinth> instead going the short way
[22:25] [AvA]aravinth> lol
[22:25] [god]KPA26> got his ass whooped hella quik
[22:25] [AvA]aravinth> when you have big bases
[22:25] [god]KPA26> k sum1 else host
[22:25] [AvA]aravinth> gotta use your brain
[22:25] [god]KPA26> bianca
[22:25] JJaydenn_TSI> what can i do in a 1v3
[22:25] JJaydenn_TSI> nothing
[22:25] [god]KPA26> u knwo wut to do
[22:25] [AvA]aravinth> yeah sure walk the long way lol
[22:25] Frizart_TSI> ggwp
[22:26] [god]KPA26> n hurry up
[22:26] [AvA]aravinth> killde more shaman than you lol
[22:26] JJaydenn_TSI> shut up ara ur trash honestly
[22:26] [rw]karma> wthat happened
[22:26] Blitzchen_OP> koopa
[22:26] [rw]karma> i didnt see u guys fnished them lol
[22:26] Blitzchen_OP> stfu
[22:26] JJaydenn_TSI> u get lucky games and think ur good cos u dodge 4 lights well done
[22:26] [god]KPA26> i wont :>
[22:26] [god]KPA26> ILL NEVER STFU
[22:26] Frizart_TSI> ;) karma
[22:26] [AvA]aravinth> no I killed 3 shaman
[22:26] Blitzchen_OP> ye too bad
[22:26] [AvA]aravinth> while you an dhakai at their front
[22:26] [AvA]aravinth> but you dying lol
[22:26] Blitzchen_OP> unless you get your ass badly kicked
[22:26] [god]KPA26> never hyappened
[22:26] JJaydenn_TSI> u killed 3 shamans at 1 point in a 24 mins game and thats all u did thats was helpfull? pfft
[22:26] [god]KPA26> hmmm
[22:27] [AvA]aravinth> okk jjay
[22:27] [AvA]aravinth> you are 150 pop
[22:27] [AvA]aravinth> do the maths
[22:27] Blitzchen_OP> dude wtf is this hut broken?
[22:27] [AvA]aravinth> you and hakai
[22:27] JJaydenn_TSI> im constant losing pop cos u cant handle ur shit u dumb cunt
[22:27] Blitzchen_OP> join here
[22:27] JJaydenn_TSI> are u brain dead or what
[22:27] [AvA]aravinth> what do you want me to do
[22:27] [AvA]aravinth> spin and karma going at me
[22:27] [AvA]aravinth> while you guys go to the long walk
[22:27] [AvA]aravinth> thye can come 2x
[22:27] [god]KPA26> maybe its fistung
[22:27] [AvA]aravinth> whil you guys take the long walk lol
[22:27] Blitzchen_OP> i think so
[22:27] [AvA]Arc> maybe its the nmap
[22:28] Typlo7 in
[22:28] [god]KPA26> fister
[22:28] [god]KPA26> refresh
[22:28] JJaydenn_TSI> stop fking dying with ur shamans want me to baby city ur base aswell? upgrade ur huts while im at it? soon as i leave ur base with my shaman u get fucked just stfu lool
[22:28] [god]KPA26> ur maps
[22:28] Blitzchen_OP> lol
[22:28] [AvA]Fistung out
[22:28] [AvA]aravinth> god
[22:28] [AvA]Fistung in
[22:28] [AvA]aravinth> tunnel visoin again
[22:28] JJaydenn_TSI> guy runs around gets s clicked first go and wonders umm how we lose this?? dam idk ara lets find out tommorow
[22:29] [AvA]aravinth> I am not sure what you on about with shamans lol
[22:29] [rw]karma> lets play another
[22:29] [AvA]aravinth> I killed more than you
[22:29] amnesia> host
[22:29] Minibot_UK> amnesia: Please wait until the "X Ping" goes away before sending commands. * Type !forward , if you are having issues with ping/connecting
[22:29] [AvA]aravinth> how many towers did you get none cool
[22:29] [AvA]aravinth> how many troops you send
[22:29] Minibot_UK> amnesia: Welcome to the 1vs1 HostBot! To use, PM the following commands: * [maps] - Lists the available maps * [launch] - Starts the game * [color name] - Change the tribe rotation (blue/red/green/yellow) * [unrank] - Set the game to unranked * [rank] - Set the host to be ranked (on by default) * [reset] - Restarts the hostbot, if it gets stuck. * [download] - Download Link Installer for the game.
[22:29] [AvA]aravinth> none cool
[22:29] JJaydenn_TSI> no towers? Kekw: this is how i know he is trolling or is mentally retarded
[22:29] JJaydenn_TSI> cos u built 3 towers at the start
[22:30] [god]KPA26> try againnnnn
[22:30] JJaydenn_TSI> and filled them before spin
[22:30] JJaydenn_TSI> dumb cunt
[22:30] [god]KPA26> last time
[22:30] [AvA]aravinth> no mid game
[22:30] [god]KPA26> fingers crossed
[22:30] JJaydenn_TSI> i**
[22:30] amnesia> launch
Launching game...
Minibot_UK - Map Pack: Åsgard Worlds (1.1)
[22:30] [AvA]aravinth> you expcet me to be lucky and camp
Nsk - MapPack: OK
[22:30] [AvA]aravinth> when we have no towers
[22:30] [AvA]aravinth> or no troops
amnesia - MapPack: OK
Players: - Minibot_UK: Blue (Watcher) - amnesia: Red - Nsk: Yellow * Ranked Game Game Type: Normal
[22:30] Blitzchen_OP> well fuck this
[22:30] JJaydenn_TSI> how did it get to that stage tell every 1
[22:30] JJaydenn_TSI> go on ara
[22:30] [AvA]aravinth> why would yo uwalk the long way
[22:30] JJaydenn_TSI> tell um
[22:30] Blitzchen_OP> fist you arent launching
[22:30] [AvA]aravinth> you tell me
[22:30] JJaydenn_TSI> cos u got fucked
[22:30] [SW]PabloEscobar in
[22:30] JJaydenn_TSI> let them walk in ur base
[22:30] [AvA]Fistung out
[22:30] [AvA]aravinth> when spin and karma can get the short way faser
[22:30] JJaydenn_TSI> so stfu lol
Game successfully created in database.
[22:31] [AvA]aravinth> so what did you maenwhile ? nothig
[22:31] [AvA]Fistung in
[22:31] [god]KPA26> fist refresh ur map paks tf
[22:31] Typlo7> anyone know how to fix the file error
[22:31] JJaydenn_TSI> attacking doing shit something u wasnt doing
[22:31] [AvA]aravinth> you did nothing lol
[22:31] [AvA]aravinth> you fsed empty spots
[22:31] [AvA]aravinth> and then quit
[22:32] [rw]karma> jaden and koopa, them players with 0 self accountability
[22:32] Blitzchen_OP> fist you got a problem
[22:32] [god]KPA26> ya fist
[22:32] [rw]karma> literally same talk after every game lol
[22:32] [god]KPA26> ur shit is fhkd
[22:32] JJaydenn_TSI> i fs troops and shaman cos green was running after me like a dog
[22:32] [god]KPA26> karma im actually good tho
[22:32] [god]KPA26> tf u on about
[22:32] [AvA]Fistung> wait
[22:32] [AvA]Fistung> im connectiong
[22:32] [god]KPA26> n it is never my fault
[22:32] [god]KPA26> too
[22:32] [AvA]aravinth> why would you even go to green
Game results submitted.
[22:32] Blitzchen_OP> no you arent lol
[22:32] [AvA]aravinth> is beyon dme
[22:32] Blitzchen_OP> we already went back
[22:32] Blitzchen_OP> lets try arcs host
[22:32] [AvA]aravinth> it's like going to red in pp through green and blue
[22:32] [AvA]Fistung> lol
[22:32] amnesia> ahahah
[22:33] amnesia> pas de chance
[22:33] [AvA]aravinth> this one isn't on me jajy
[22:33] Blitzchen_OP> do fensalir
[22:33] [AvA]aravinth> gg
[22:33] amnesia> cest ton ddestin de rester un wildie
[22:33] amnesia> crash
[22:33] IncaWarrior out
[22:33] Nsk> mdr
[22:33] JJaydenn_TSI> sure ara u didnt kill shit apart from shamans mid game ur shit lol
[22:33] [AvA]Arc> yeah same....
[22:33] [AvA]Arc> diff map?
[22:33] [AvA]aravinth> jjay 1v1
[22:33] [AvA]aravinth> so you'll understand what being bad is
[22:33] [AvA]Fistung> [60] Access violation at address 0040C3B8 in module 'Matchmaker.exe'. Read of address FFFFFFFD
[22:34] [AvA]aravinth> thought so ? then stop talking
[22:34] Blitzchen_OP> dont do that sess
[22:34] JJaydenn_TSI> join
[22:34] Blitzchen_OP> that takes forever
[22:34] [rw]karma> jayden join
[22:34] [rw]karma> rematch
[22:34] [GoD]Spinnifix> jayden let me spectate
[22:34] Frizart_TSI> jjay
[22:34] Frizart_TSI> me too
[22:34] Frizart_TSI> please
[22:34] Frizart_TSI> or stream it
[22:35] [GoD]Hakai> arc open spots?
[22:35] [AvA]Arc> 2 v 2 ok? or shall we have more?
[22:35] [AvA]Fistung> try once more if it dont work i ll top for this night
[22:35] [AvA]Fistung> stop
[22:36] [D]Cockroach out
[22:37] [god]KPA26> guys pop is fhkd
[22:37] [god]KPA26> or something
[22:37] [AvA]Arc> fist ur map pack is bent bud
[22:37] [AvA]Fistung out
[22:37] IncaWarrior in
[22:38] [god]KPA26> inca'
[22:38] [god]KPA26> whens trod getting unbanned
[22:38] [god]KPA26> dont u fhking lie to me
[22:38] [SW]bardhi out
[22:38] adray_tsi in
[22:39] Typlo7> anyone know how to fix the required file error
[22:39] [god]KPA26> lol its up to u
[22:39] [god]KPA26> oops
[22:41] [GoD]Hakai> teams?
[22:42] [GoD]Sho out
[22:42] [AvA]Arc> me an dpablo?
[22:42] Luxray in
[22:43] [rw]karma out
[22:43] [rw]karma in
[22:43] Nsk out
[22:45] amnesia out
[22:45] [AvA]sherminator31 in
[22:47] Typlo7 out
[22:47] [AvA]sherminator31> guys come
[22:47] [GoD]Sho in
[22:49] [AvA]sherminator31 out
[22:49] [AvA]Pharaoh in
[22:50] [Rw]Phoenix- out
[22:56] [AvA]Ihave40minutes in
[22:56] [AvA]Ihave40minutes> YO
[22:56] JJaydenn_TSI> big dick jayden slams another non believer
[22:56] [AvA]aravinth> rematch :
[22:56] JJaydenn_TSI> xdd
[22:56] [AvA]Unhostable> yo soma
[22:56] Frizart_TSI> lemme spec
[22:56] [AvA]Unhostable> hi pharaoh
[22:56] Frizart_TSI> if rm
[22:57] Frizart_TSI> please
[22:57] JJaydenn_TSI> thx for the points ara u sucker
[22:57] [AvA]aravinth> it's ok i'll go the extra mile to get them back from you
[22:57] JJaydenn_TSI> :good:
[22:57] [AvA]Ihave40minutes> [AvA]Ihave40minutes + [AvA]Unhostable vs. [AvA]Toruk_Makto + [AvA]Pharaoh
[23:01] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> fuck
[23:01] [AvA]Ihave40minutes> :(
[23:01] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I had good converts too
[23:01] [AvA]Pharaoh> I built 3 fw huts...
[23:01] [AvA]Ihave40minutes> lol
[23:01] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> lol
[23:01] [AvA]Pharaoh> I have volc
[23:01] [AvA]Ihave40minutes> i had teleport
[23:01] [AvA]Pharaoh> +1
[23:01] [AvA]Pharaoh> haha
[23:01] Blitzchen_OP out
[23:01] [AvA]Ihave40minutes> brandy comeee
[23:01] [AvA]Pharaoh> where is brandyyyy
[23:01] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> I had 3 volcanoes
[23:01] [AvA]Ihave40minutes> vieni zio
[23:01] [GoD]KPA26> Ara u fhkin suck
[23:01] [AvA]Pharaoh> lol
[23:01] [AvA]Unhostable> connection died
[23:01] [AvA]Unhostable> sorry
[23:02] [GoD]KPA26> Jjay 1v1 me ill show ara how its done
[23:04] JJaydenn_TSI> how about u 1v1 ara koopa ill host it
[23:04] JJaydenn_TSI> never seen u 1v1 any 1 good and win
[23:05] JJaydenn_TSI> obs was last decent player u went against and u got ur ass handed to u on ur own host
[23:05] JJaydenn_TSI> got some making up 2 do
[23:05] [GoD]KPA26> Ive beat ara like 3 times a row a month
[23:05] [GoD]KPA26> Tf u on about
[23:05] [AvA]aravinth> in 1992
[23:05] [GoD]KPA26> Its ur turn now
[23:05] JJaydenn_TSI> recently?
[23:05] [GoD]KPA26> Check stats fhker
[23:05] JJaydenn_TSI> since ive been playing cos dont think so
[23:05] [AvA]aravinth> what stats lol
[23:05] [GoD]KPA26> Game history u tards
[23:05] JJaydenn_TSI> anyway spliff probs gonna be dead asf when bk lol
[23:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> yes
[23:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> join
[23:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> jjayden
[23:06] Saito_Vdm in
[23:06] JJaydenn_TSI> i keep my spot warm dont start yet if full
[23:06] [GoD]Spinnifix> k
[23:07] [GoD]KPA26> :zany_face::zany_face:
[23:08] [AvA]Skyfall in
[23:08] [AvA]Arc> hi Sky
[23:08] [GoD]PK in
[23:08] [AvA]Skyfall> hey Arc
[23:10] [GoD]Hakai out
[23:11] [AvA]aravinth> koopa 1v1
[23:12] [GoD]Sho> i host it :pog:
[23:12] [GoD]KPA26> Omw fags
[23:13] [GoD]Sho> are u gonna paly ara koopa
[23:13] [GoD]Sho> cos i think yer goin to get smashed if u do bruah
[23:13] JJaydenn_TSI> Nah I rate will be a gg
[23:14] [GoD]Sho> dont think koopa will paly him tho
[23:14] [AvA]Skyfall> JJay wants back on KPA good side :monkahmm:
[23:14] JJaydenn_TSI> I wanna watch if koopa bs area happens
[23:14] [GoD]Sho> play*
[23:14] [GoD]Sho> he just gunna join that beta game
[23:14] JJaydenn_TSI> Vs * fucking phone man
[23:14] JJaydenn_TSI> Ye true koopa ain't got the balls for 1v1 no more
[23:15] JJaydenn_TSI> Only offers me cos he knows I'll say no most the time lol
[23:15] [AvA]Skyfall> and lose
[23:15] [god]KPA26> :peped:
[23:16] [GoD]Sho> lmao
[23:16] [GoD]Sho> told ya
[23:16] [GoD]Sho> aight guess ill have to join di shet
[23:16] [god]KPA26> = JJaydenn_TSI> Ye true koopa ain't got the balls for 1v1 no more
[23:16] [god]KPA26> = JJaydenn_TSI> Only offers me cos he knows I'll say no most the time lol
[23:17] [Rw]FreeMatt in
[23:17] [god]KPA26> can u belive this level of stupidity?
[23:17] [GoD]Sho> dam thats actually contradicting
[23:17] [Rw]FreeMatt in
[23:17] [GoD]Sho> but oh well :shrug:
[23:17] [god]KPA26> yo the one n only
[23:17] [god]KPA26> hw
[23:17] [GoD]Sho> spin sess 3v3 :joy:
[23:17] [GoD]Sho> or some cool 3v3 new map
[23:17] [rw]karma> no sess
[23:17] [rw]karma> lol
[23:18] JJaydenn_TSI> I play 1v1s koopa just not with u cos I 1v1 u all the time and u do the same shit :face_with_tears_of_joy:
[23:18] [GoD]Spinnifix> [GoD]Spinnifix + [GoD]Sho + JJaydenn_TSI vs. [AvA]aravinth + [rw]karma + [god]KPA26
[23:18] [GoD]Sho> [rw]karma> arc respected koopas wish who always wants small base
[23:18] [AvA]aravinth> all roads lead to rome
[23:18] [GoD]Sho> solid point here tho kupa
[23:18] [god]KPA26> wut win??
[23:18] JJaydenn_TSI> I literally 1v1'ed ara after getting called out 5 mins ago how am I a hypocrite lol
[23:18] JJaydenn_TSI> Load it up spin I be 2 min
[23:19] [SW]PabloEscobar out
[23:20] [AvA]Arc> ciao
[23:20] [AvA]Arc out
[23:20] Saito_Vdm> .
[23:20] [AvA]Skyfall> hardware :monkastab:
[23:21] DawnAlliance in
[23:22] DawnAlliance out
[23:23] DawnAlliance in
[23:25] [AvA]Mibbel in
[23:26] [GoD]PK out
[23:27] DawnAlliance out
[23:29] [Rw]FreeMatt> IM THE BEST!
[23:29] [Rw]FreeMatt> damn i missed a game with koopa?
[23:30] [AvA]Skyfall> yes
[23:30] [AvA]Skyfall> [god]KPA26> yo the one n only
[23:31] [AvA]Skyfall> [god]KPA26> hw
[23:31] [AvA]Skyfall> but you ignored him :Feelsbadman:
[23:31] [AvA]Pharaoh> damnnnnnnn
[23:31] [AvA]Pharaoh> We played FIRE
[23:31] [AvA]Pharaoh> gg
[23:31] [AvA]Mibbel out
[23:31] [AvA]Toruk_Makto> yeah, we did! nice job m8
[23:32] [AvA]Unhostable out
[23:32] [AvA]Pharaoh> It was a perfect game for me
[23:33] Saito_Vdm> ...
[23:33] [AvA]Ihave40minutes> [AvA]Ihave40minutes + [AvA]Skyfall vs. [AvA]Pharaoh + Saito_Vdm
[23:33] [AvA]Skyfall> i need 59 mins plz
[23:33] Saito_Vdm> o.O
[23:35] DawnAlliance in
[23:39] [D]Cockroach in
[23:40] DawnAlliance out
[23:44] [Rw]FreeMatt> y none of them nerds streaming???
[23:44] [Rw]FreeMatt out
[23:46] [D]Cockroach out
[23:47] [Rw]FreeMatt out
[23:55] [SW]ShadowRealms out
[23:57] [AvA]aravinth> so whose fault this time
[23:57] [AvA]aravinth> koopa or mine
[23:57] [AvA]aravinth> :kekw:
[23:58] [rw]karma> well we won cause of koopa
[23:58] [rw]karma> and the others lost cause of spin and sho i guess
[23:58] [AvA]aravinth> yes
[23:58] [AvA]aravinth> :200iq:
[23:58] [AvA]aravinth> nice back defense karam
[23:58] [AvA]aravinth> karma
[23:58] [AvA]aravinth> dang koopa
[23:58] [AvA]aravinth> you have 15 tower
[23:58] [GoD]Spinnifix> join
[23:58] [AvA]aravinth> 0 fw
[23:59] [rw]karma> done for now guy
[23:59] [rw]karma> s
[23:59] [god]KPA26> they were too busy getting shit done at front
[23:59] [god]KPA26> how do u think yall got ur dmg in